學測英文作文 免費學習課程 knew mark so used was counterfeit中文意思是什麼
英語教學所 基礎英文學習師德英檢成績查詢 補習英文怎麼說 如何?英文學測英文作文 免費學習課程兒童美語會話 全民英檢高級初試全民英檢單字表 高雄英文補習班如何學習英文 英文學習網站免費 線上 1 對 1 英文美語夏令營 台北家教行情家教案件 空中英語 新竹 英語
網路教學課程 初級英檢 mark so used was counterfeit中文意思是什麼
knew mark so used was counterfeit解釋
- knew: know 的過去式。
- mark: n 馬克〈男子名,Marcus 的異體〉。n 【宗教】(基督教《聖經》中的篇名)《馬可福音》;《馬可福音》的...
- so: adv 1 〈表示方式、方法、情況等〉那麼,那樣;這么,這樣。 You will never do it so 你那樣做不行。 T...
- used: adj 1 習慣于〈作表語用〉。2 〈美國〉用過的,用舊了的,半舊的;精疲力盡的。vi 〈用法同助動詞,其後...
- was: be 的過去式、第一人稱及第三人稱單數。
- counterfeit: adj 仿造的,假冒的;虛偽的,假的。 a counterfeit note 偽鈔。 counterfeit sickness 假病。n 偽物,...
The conclusion of reappearing analysis is that crane bridge be used as usual because main weld maximum stress of upper cover plate of main beam lower than yield limit though it higher than permissible stress. inner stress of secondary beam was over ultimate strength, and deforming is ultra big. so it was unfit for produce and secondary beam must be changed
再現分析得出的主要結論為:橋架的主樑上蓋板主焊縫的最大應力超過了許用應力,但小於屈服極限,可以繼續投入使用;副梁內部的應力遠遠超過了強度極限,變形特別嚴重,不能滿足生產要求,因此更換新的副梁;端梁內部的應力超過了屈服極限,小於強度極限,在應力較大的位置焊接補強板;投入使用后,要對整個橋架進行定期檢查。 This put my mother into a great passion : she told me, she knew it would be to no purpose to speak to my father upon any such subject ; that he knew too well what was my interest to give his consent to any thing so much for my hurt, and that she wondered how i could think of any such thing after such a discourse as i had had with my father, and such kind and tender expressions as she knew my father had us d to me ; and that in short, if i would ruine my self thd we think nothing of such a squal of wind as that ; but you re but a fresh water sailor, bob ; come let us make a bowl of punch and we ll forget all that, d ye see what charming weather tis now
她還說,父親和我的談話那樣語重心長諄諄善誘,而我竟然還想離家遠游,這實在使她難以理解。她說,總而言之,如果我執意自尋絕路,那誰也不會來幫助我。她要我相信,無論是母親,還是父親,都不會同意我出洋遠航,所以我如果自取滅亡,與她也無關,免得我以後說,當時我父親是不同意的,但我母親卻同意了。 This made them so proud, that everything they used was decorated with dragons and described in terms of the dragon : dragon - throne, dragon - robe, dragon - bed, dragon - boat
這使他們如此自豪,以致於他們用萬物裝飾龍被和用龍術語描述:龍王,龍袍,龍床,龍船。 The system of far field diagnosis is the system that we usually use in detecting the far field of laser beam. when it is used in detecting the far field of laser beam, the method is simple, and the result is easily seen. so, it was used widely in many application
遠場測量系統是最常用的探測激光光束遠場光斑的系統,這一系統在評價探測得到的遠場光斑質量時,其方法簡便易行、結果直觀,因此,這種系統在很多需要對激光光束質量進行評價的場合得到廣泛應用。 Because of variance of the communication protocols deployed in customers units, the software development tasks of main controller used to be assigned in terms of different projects. so there was high redundancy in codes and many difficulties in reuse of codes
knetsgau, knetter, kneue syltiss knights, knew spavin, knew swell, knew the signs
外籍英文家教行情 高中英文補習班 我要找英文家教老師knew mark so used was counterfeit中文意思是什麼
英語家教 補習班課程英文教師 全國補習班 打工遊學線上免費課程 線上 1 對 1 英文語言教學 銀行英語會話 英語教學所1對1英文 學習音樂 線上聽英語英文聽力訓練方法 國小英文學習網站免費線上英語教學 免費英文學習hitutor線上英文 如何學數學 美語老師線上發音 英文 英文檢定英文 補習 推薦 美語教室