2016-07-20 11:20:42seantfc2888

多益 托福 千萬別學英文 學英文的網站 magnetomotive force中文意思是什麼

    找臺中英文家教老師 全民英檢高級初試英文好好學 雅思英文單字 英文家教費用英檢中心 看影集學英文 學英文影片出國遊學英文 英檢網路報名 英語自學網站全民英檢中級單字下載 toeic 台灣 每日學英語多益 托福 千萬別學英文 學英文的網站全民英檢題庫 英文學好網路英文學習 成人英文補習班



magnetomotive force中文意思是什麼

magnetomotive force解釋


  • His moral force was abased into more than childish weakness

  • The thesis has summarized the development of the oblique - pull bridge, its construction technology and the importance of bridge construction control, then has introduced project general situation, and has narrated detailed regulation, organization construction, the major work and difficult part of this bridge construction control. the following is the key part of this thesis, firstly, it has introduced the experiment work of early stage, structural calculation and its theoretical result : the absolute altitude of each operating mode, the absolute altitude of building mould in each section and the absolute altitude after pouring concrete ; then, it has discussed the method and content of the line shape control of the main beam, actual absolute altitude of building mould is put forward, and it has described the method of structural stress monitoring, how to arrange measure point and collect data, and how to analyze data. it has also narrated the method of rope force detection and structural temperature inspection

  • In this paper, ackerman steering linkage of double - wishbone suspension is taken as the study object, choosing the splitting joint and steering lever joint to carry out the design of optimization the mathematics models are established based on the multi - body system dynamics, applying its analysis method of kinematics to study the mechanism kinetic principles owing to more spatial factors considered, and calling off many hypotheses affecting the accuracy, compared with the traditional methods, the models are better to reflect the realistic motion principles, the results are more exact and applicable moreover, the force analysis is applied to the conduct mechanism the analysis method of dynamics in the multi - body dynamics is applied to study the forces applied on every component, working out the constraint reaction force of up and down ball joints, and developing the current computation program in the end, produce the upper wishbone geometry model in the ansys software package, meshing and carrying out the fea, testifying if the intensity of the wishbone meet with the requirements

  • Powerformer have some changes in constract with the conventional generator , subsequently it also have some new problems in order to have an economical , efficient , credible development and application the structure and the philosophy of electromagnetism of powerformer will be on speaking terms changes electrical design , magnetism design , thermal design and structural design are have some new changes above all , the electromagnetism parameter and the harmonic magnetomotive force of powerformer are studied in this paper first , it mainly utilizes analytics to deduce formula of slot leakage reactance it considers three instances , including monolayer - slot , multilayer isometric - slot and multilayer anisometric - slot then , the analytics and the fem are utilized to calculate slot leakage reactance of stator winding of prototype of powerformer and compare their results second , the theory of utilitzing fem to calculate the reactance of powerformer is simply introduced , including stable reactance , transient and subtransient reactance specially , the saturated influence of the stable reactance is considered then , the results are analysed final , it mainly introduces the influence of harmonic magnetomotive force of stator winding and analyses the harmonic magnetomotive force of stator winding then , it mainly analyse harmonic magneto - motive force of stator winding through arranging various arrays of stator winding and observe their influence

  • Therefore, the magnetomotive force in the air gap is essentially proportional to the primary ampereturns squared. 聽英文翻譯 免費學英文網站


    magnetometric titration, magnetometry, magnetomotance, magnetomotive pump jet, magnetomyography, magneton magneto-optical rotation

    magnetomotive force中文意思是什麼
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