Jane Austin
I just want to be myself.
The problem is who I am; what I have done, have thought, and I am thinking, doing;
these are shaping me, as I.
Ironically, I hate to look back.
How can I sweep my past?
Destroy my past means destroy the existence of myself at this moment.
I like the sentence:" Tomorrow, tomorrow is another day."
Come along,
Til there is sun shine shining when we find the silver lining,
Come along.
Sing a song, when today becomes tomorrow,
Weather fine, joy or sorrow, sing a song.
Is it wrong?
To put our hopes together and wish for something better, is it wrong?
To belong, to face the future with another who means more than any other is to belong.
We'll paint the grey clouds with pretty rainbow hues,
And we'll brush the gloom away and save it for a rainy day, rainy day,
Oh to save.
When troubles cast a shadow and shadows make the sun afraid to stay,
It's ok, til there'll be sunshine shining and we'll
Find the silver lining another day.
Tomorrow is another day, how i hope you'll always stay.
There is no WE, no YOU, only I, myself as a whole.