2006-07-13 05:41:353

「進化論」與 「創造論」





針對您給一位網友的留言「基督徒在進化論上, 以宗教眼光進行反智的抵制與否定, 是相當可笑與可悲?」,我有不同的看法。 有關生命的起源,「進化論」無法完全說服我;因為生命實在是太奧妙了,構造實在是太完美了,絕不是透過進化而來,應該是有「智慧設計」。像電腦或網路,絕不是憑空而來,而是經由所謂的「智慧設計」。也就是說,我不排除「創造論」。其實美國一些學校已不再只教「進化論」而已,而是同時教授「創造論」。 不排除「創造論」是否即是「反智」,或許還有商榷的地方。雖然科學很昌明,但也只能就現象進行解密,從而有複製羊、複製牛等;對於生命的起源和密碼,了解上或許還有很大的努力空間。生命真的是從單細胞逐步演化而來的嗎?我是持保留的態度。這樣的看法,跟宗教信仰無關,只是一直覺得,環環相扣的生命體,一定是種「智慧設計」,且是在一種集體相互競飆創意下的產物。也就是說,「智慧設計」者不只一個,而是一大票。


我想這個題目蠻值得拋出來談 以下是我(加上註解)回應mill226的:


「基督徒在進化論上, 以宗教眼光進行反智的抵制與否定, 是相當可笑與可悲?」 那不是我說的, 只是引用她(nothing special)的話 我的回應:

Our belief in evolution is also a belief, right? (我回nothing special有關進化論的完整回文如下:


The more debates, the more truths will be discovered. Like bible, it is harder to prove it is real, than it is to prove it is false. Good thing is that no research is stopped because of that arguement, at least from what I have heard so far. )


我們討論的是極根本的科學精神, 若你讀我在那篇留言之前的兩三篇留言: Ironically, Darwin’s evolution is under challenged, too. Christian world is challenging that evolution is fiction since the base of the evolution was the leather content from the dinosaur fossil might be a false declaration.

"部落格"要取代傳統媒體 ,最重要的是"內容", 我十幾年前曾參與美國(NSF)網路發展的研究, 因此, 才開始接觸"寫作", "人文", "媒體", 接下來更了解文字表達必須"求真", 而人的"求知"態度必須更要嚴整, 但是, 也許有一天我們會證明所有的科技都是"虛"的, 你若有時間, 讀一些我的科技方面的文章, 我在這是以介紹"現象" 與"新知"為主, 並沒有要特別推唱哪一種"理論".

你的留言: "有關生命的起源,「進化論」無法完全說服我;因為生命實在是太奧妙了,構造實在是太完美了,絕不是透過進化而來,應該是有「智慧設計」。像電腦或網路,絕不是憑空而來,而是經由所謂的「智慧設計」。也就是說,我不排除「創造論」。其實美國一些學校已不再只教「進化論」而已,而是同時教授「創造論」。"

"美國一些學校已不再只教「進化論」而已,而是同時教授「創造論」。" 這是好事 但是有人主張完全停止教「進化論」 這就是(我與另一人(nothing special)的問題!)

我不清楚"創造論"的科學基礎,證據 , 而我更早期接觸的太空計畫研究, 有許多是設計儀器來"幫"「進化論」的研究收集資料(例如當初若非太空人自月球取了一些礦石樣本, 才計算出當初地球與月球碰撞以及其他數據 , 例如初若非太空人再月球上放一片反射板, 月球遠離地球的事實也不會被證實(一年一點五英吋而已 ,別緊張) ,否則許多研究根本不能繼續下去).當我聽到恐龍化石中的羽毛的定論可能有瑕疵,我只能多求證, 但是如此大的轉變, 個人認為需要時間來舉證,討論, 你說的, 我都聽說過, 但是不足以說服我進化論是錯的, 我也沒辦法推翻「智慧設計」, 有空希望能多聽到你的詳見。


我回了nothing special另一段話



"恐龍"之前該怎麼稱? 本來想稱"化石"但想想不對 

What creatures were on earth before dinosaurs?

去google 查了一下 其中一個答案有這麼一張圖:



"Did you know that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old? That’s really old, isn’t it? Another amazing fact is that the Earth was formed from a giant ball of hot gases and dust. Amazing, isn’t it? Who would have thought that a planet could be created out of dust and gas? Well, the list goes on. At the time the Earth was formed, there were no life forms of any kind.

About a billion years later, life began to evolve. The creatures that appeared had only one cell. They were nothing like the plants, animals or other life forms that we see today. They lived in a soupy mass that would later become our oceans.

Until 517 million years ago, all living things were kind of yucky. They were mostly blobs of gooey substances, more like slugs and jellyfish. Can you imagine there being no life except for these nasty looking creatures? Then, one day Pikaia (pronounced pie-Kl-ya) appeared in the seas. It was very small; only 2 inches long. The amazing thing about it was that it had a spine. This was something that no living creature had at that time. The Pikaia was the ancestor of every living thing that is on Earth today, according to the theory of evolution."


I still like this theory better. Evolution should be the right thing to continue our research."