2004-11-15 20:38:31哈利>>女朋友仔@




the second war has begun, but with a newly appointed Minister Of Magic, things are not going well for The Order of the Phoenix.
第二次大戰經已展開, 但新任魔法部部長, 對於鳳凰密令非常不利。

The Death Eaters, recently impris-oned after their attack on Harry and the rest of Dumbledore's Army, were released from Azkaban and now no muggle is safe.
食死徒從阿茲卡班逃出來, 攻擊哈利和鄧不利多的軍隊, 麻瓜們的生命亦受威脅。

All is not bad though, because the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is none other than Auror and Order of the Phoenix member, Nymphadora Tonks.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling's newest tale that both young and old will surely devour with ravenous delight as Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Wicthcraft and Wizardry unfolds for them.


