2002-04-12 01:22:41尚未設定



Jon Bon Jovi 瓊邦喬飛
S2E13 29-Aug-99 - Seth Robinson - games people play

Alanis Morissette 艾蘭莉絲莫利塞特
S3E4 25-Jun-00 boy, girl, boy, girl - Dawn - boy, girl, boy, girl

Billy Wirth 比利沃斯
S3E7 23-Jul-00 - Dr. Mark Raskin(給Samantha嚐試藍色小藥丸的醫生) - drama queens

Sarah Michelle Gellar 莎拉蜜雪兒蓋勒
S3E13- 10-Sep-00-Debbie- escape from new york

Matthew McConaughey 馬修麥康納海
S3E13- 10-Sep-00-himself- escape from new york

Vince Vaughn 文斯范恩
S3E13- 10-Sep-00- Keith Travers - sex and another city

Carrie Fisher 嘉莉費雪
S3E14 - 17-Sep-00 - Herself - sex and another city

Hugh Hefner 休海夫納(Playboy創始人)
S3E14- 17-Sep-00 - Himself - sex and another city

Alan Cumming
S4E2 - 03-Jun-01 - "O" - the real me

Heidi Klum 超級名模海蒂
S4E2 03-Jun-01 - Herself - the real me

Craig Bierko (Meg Ryan最新男友)
S4E3 - Ray King - what's sex got to do with it? (2001)
S4E4 - Ray King - defining moments

Lucy Liu 劉玉玲
S4E11- 05-Aug-01 -herself- coulda, woulda, shoulda

Candice Bergen 甘蒂絲柏根
S4E17 - 03-Feb-02- Enid Mead - a vogue idea
