2004-09-30 11:11:02尚未設定

Raising His Voice - John Corbett棄影從歌



Corbett is giving up acting for country music. The ''Sex and the City'' actor says he's grown bored with film and TV and is recording an album in Nashville

by Gary Susman

Add John Corbett to the long list of movie and TV actors (including Minnie Driver and Robert Downey Jr.) switching hats and becoming singers. In Corbett's case, it's a cowboy hat, and the My Big Fat Greek Wedding star says the switch is permanent. At a recent junket promoting his appearance in the new Hilary Duff movie Raise Your Voice said he was giving up acting for good to become a country singer. ''I can't do this anymore. I'm getting out of acting,'' he said, according to E! Online. ''I'm bored. I've been doing this for so long -- I'm serious -- and I can't do this any more.''

According to E!, Corbett has signed a deal with Broken Bow Records to release an album next spring, an album he said he was currently recording in Nashville, singing and playing guitar. ''I've saved up enough that I don't have to do this anymore,'' he said. ''So, I'm going to do something I really enjoy now.''

Corbett, who played a new-age musician named Lars in the movie Serendipity, said he'd grown bored with the process of shooting movies and TV shows, which he described as waiting long hours between 90-second film takes. The exception, he said, was his recurring role as Carrie's beau Aidan on Sex and the City, and he singled out Sarah Jessica Parker for praise. ''All of my scenes for two years were with one of the best actresses around. It was just really fun, and that was something I really enjoyed,'' he said.

Corbett's publicist told E! on Tuesday that the 43-year-old was not technically retiring from acting, but he insisted to reporters at the junket that he'd be seen in just two more films, Raise Your Voice (out Oct. 8) and a romantic comedy called Caught in the Act, with Amy Smart and Sean Astin, due in a few months. ''I've got one more movie to promote after this one, and then it's, 'Thank you, Jesus, I don't have to do this anymore,''' he said.