2007-12-22 19:40:05。SaRu。
。 Passion 。
我最近放棄電腦平面設計&廣告設計 改修室內設計
I have a passion for art .. for design .. for creating ..
I gave up my passion for Graphic Design...
I don’t know if I did the right thing ...
But I discovered my new passion for Interior Design...
When I am at work I am amazed,
by all these things you can do with your house and your room ...
Making it what you call home, with your style and taste.
As I am ringing up people,
I wished I was the one that was the one remodeling my home.
當我在公司上班的時候 看著一家人
一起選家裡的新廚房 新擺飾 就好希望 是我站在她們的角色
一個空房間 如何擺飾 牆要甚麼顏色 空間如何使用
When I am sitting in a theater or using the internet,
I am also amazed by the animation and the graphic.
The entertainment, the attraction, the excitment it can bring.
How a simple picture can be come a successful advertisment ---
How an animation could be so real u could almost feel it ---
最近看Enchanted 看完後 "哇 怎麼能?"
怎麼可以把動畫 做得那麼吸引人
廣告版面 要做的簡單 可是要有內容 卻又不能複雜
讓我好像回到 廣告設計 和 電腦平面設計
A lil bit lost .. DONT wanna make the wrong choice ...
Hopefully I am on the right path to my future career ---
Even though I am confused right now ---
But I think I took one step up ---
I know my passion is designing ---
I know I am gonna become a DESIGNER ---
:) i hope im rite ---
上一篇:。 沒風度 。
我其實很想當建築師 可是 數學真的太爛了= =
而且聽說好多個例子 很多人讀一讀 就受不了放棄了
JJ 你要加油 熬過了 當建築師一定很有趣