2008-08-25 12:23:52胖劉媽
DD的演講-- Mini Golf
★看我有多高桿—2008年八月攝於Treasure Islands 迷你高爾夫球場
每年一到第三學期(Term 3),我就得為DD的演講稿speech傷腦筋,因為DD的讀寫能力經老師們(DD的班導和SLS輔導老師)評估,只有七歲半到八歲半間的程度,再加上DD不會主動表達自己的意見,所以我必須從DD的生活中找到他熟悉的題材,再配合他現有的字彙能力,幫他寫一篇長約一分鐘的演講稿(學校規定是三分鐘)。沒想到,今年卻免了!
前兩週當我和DD的導師Miss Nicola Fewings 聊到我還沒空幫DD擬演講稿時,她竟然說DD已經著手準備,她還告訴我DD的演講內容是迷你高爾夫。蝦米?我沒聽錯吧!我家DD會自己構思講稿內容?這可真是一大突破!Nicola說她會幫DD,必要時我再協助。
結果神奇的傑克出現啦(可不是怪醫秦博士--Black Jack)!DD不但完成他的講稿,同時寫的長度超乎我的意料,竟然有一分多鐘。原來是好心又可愛的Mrs. Mandy Bush(代課老師),幫DD一字一句完成的。Mandy年紀和我差不多,而她的兒子James也是特殊兒童(好像是閱讀困難症),或許是同病相憐吧,她很有耐心地幫DD完成這項功課,我真的好感動。以下就是DD的演講稿:
Mini Golf
I like mini golf because it’s fun. I like hitting the golf ball over around the tricky objects like through the stream or in the cave. I play with my mum, dad, brother, aunty, grandma and my cousin. We go out to the pirate ship near the airport. When we get there, we get our golf club and a golf ball and go to the first hole. We have to hit the ball through the 18 holes. We have to be careful when we hit the ball because we might hit someone. I really like mini golf because it’s fun. The hole I really like the best is the 18th hole because it has a hill and some rocks. I need to hit the ball so it rolls into the hole. We all go out to practise in the weekend. I think playing mini golf helps me to keep fit and healthy. We all need to find ways to keep fit and healthy. Why don’t you try mini golf? Give it a go!
同樣地,DD也必須面對全班同學完成演講。據Nicola的說法,DD表現得很不錯,音量OK,也知道用eye contact和聽眾,也就是他的同學們互動。這一點DD去年還做不到,因為DD不是個risk taker,說好聽點是謹慎,難聽點是沒膽子,能進步到目前這樣,我已經很滿意囉!
每年一到第三學期(Term 3),我就得為DD的演講稿speech傷腦筋,因為DD的讀寫能力經老師們(DD的班導和SLS輔導老師)評估,只有七歲半到八歲半間的程度,再加上DD不會主動表達自己的意見,所以我必須從DD的生活中找到他熟悉的題材,再配合他現有的字彙能力,幫他寫一篇長約一分鐘的演講稿(學校規定是三分鐘)。沒想到,今年卻免了!
前兩週當我和DD的導師Miss Nicola Fewings 聊到我還沒空幫DD擬演講稿時,她竟然說DD已經著手準備,她還告訴我DD的演講內容是迷你高爾夫。蝦米?我沒聽錯吧!我家DD會自己構思講稿內容?這可真是一大突破!Nicola說她會幫DD,必要時我再協助。
結果神奇的傑克出現啦(可不是怪醫秦博士--Black Jack)!DD不但完成他的講稿,同時寫的長度超乎我的意料,竟然有一分多鐘。原來是好心又可愛的Mrs. Mandy Bush(代課老師),幫DD一字一句完成的。Mandy年紀和我差不多,而她的兒子James也是特殊兒童(好像是閱讀困難症),或許是同病相憐吧,她很有耐心地幫DD完成這項功課,我真的好感動。以下就是DD的演講稿:
Mini Golf
I like mini golf because it’s fun. I like hitting the golf ball over around the tricky objects like through the stream or in the cave. I play with my mum, dad, brother, aunty, grandma and my cousin. We go out to the pirate ship near the airport. When we get there, we get our golf club and a golf ball and go to the first hole. We have to hit the ball through the 18 holes. We have to be careful when we hit the ball because we might hit someone. I really like mini golf because it’s fun. The hole I really like the best is the 18th hole because it has a hill and some rocks. I need to hit the ball so it rolls into the hole. We all go out to practise in the weekend. I think playing mini golf helps me to keep fit and healthy. We all need to find ways to keep fit and healthy. Why don’t you try mini golf? Give it a go!
同樣地,DD也必須面對全班同學完成演講。據Nicola的說法,DD表現得很不錯,音量OK,也知道用eye contact和聽眾,也就是他的同學們互動。這一點DD去年還做不到,因為DD不是個risk taker,說好聽點是謹慎,難聽點是沒膽子,能進步到目前這樣,我已經很滿意囉!
(剛才點了好半天也點不開, 還以為pchome也瘋了呢!)
這位做媽的還說"滿意", 我覺得DD簡直是突飛猛進啊! 寫的真好, 立定鼓掌五分鐘!!
或許代課老師耐心足, 可是, 若非DD有話要說, 大概很難湊出這麼多句子. 何況還得講給大家聽! Go DD, Keep going!
~ 我其實對他說要keep fit and healthy很好奇,
keep healthy算正常, 為什麼他會想到要keep fit呢?
Jo阿姨也太好心了吧!竟然用"突飛猛進"這四個字,壓力粉大喔!Keep Fit? 那是因為DD知道我們都over weight,所以當然得Keep fit呀! 這一點他很清楚喲! :) 2008-08-26 03:56:20
(你與某人的BLOG 最近都很不友好阿)
DD 好棒阿
至少他願意以eye contact他的聽眾,對他來說都是件好事!
So I am pleased! 2008-08-27 19:03:53