2008-07-27 21:35:17#-SARAH

Yaye cousins [:

Thats Jason the pretty mermaid ^^

Woooohooooo today went to the swimming thingy in Jurong East :D
Chee Hooi’s mom brought us to eat at IMM first
Then went to their house and changed and stuff then went there
Me and Chee Hooi got a float each :D
We went on the Lazy Pool first :D
Then the Wave Pool and er slides and loads moreeeee!
Oh then right, on the lazy pool there was the sprinkles and stuff that would come on us
Then me and Chee Hooi would be cringing in cold ‘cos it was too ticklish and stuff -.-
Damned funny
And ‘cos we would usually get torn away from each other yea, me and Chee Hooi had to resort to linking middle fingers ‘cos those were the longest fingers we had to reach each other -.-
Or I would pull her foot :P
And when we overshot the entrance or exit to get out of it right, then we always had to cling on to something to get out -.-
‘Cos it was uber hard to get out ‘cos of the force-.-

And the Wave Pool yea it was uber funny ‘cos we always couldn’t get on the float, then we’d be screaming our heads off
& each time when we were finally ready, the wave was always gine by then -.-
The slides were cool too :D
But the yellow one was like hell -.-

Anyways theres like 2 streaks of red on the back of each shoulder -.-
And righttt ‘cos my swimming costume has this on-purpose hole, after swimming theres a huge oval brown patch on my back :D
Anddd I’m tanner now, hee hee [[:
More sunburnt then before, but yeppp
&&&&& I finally opened a soda can today ^^
All by myself!
So proud of myself ^^

Woohooo todays a happy day :D
And I’m free tmr.
Anyone wants to go out?

上一篇:Yaye Sentosa <3

下一篇:Bored bored bored -.-