2008-06-12 21:54:47#-SARAH

Is this love a myth,

Hehe G7SZ did that last year for International Day :D
Hahaha we rocked so bad ^^

Yesterday was okay I guess, brought Marshmallows to school :D
But wasn’t very happy haha, oh well.
Then ah right, Jo Rick Cheangggggg!
You’ll only get to surprise me if you give me an iPhone and Gucci shades ^^

Today went to school damned tired
Stayed up till 12+ to do damned one world essay.
In the end, I fell asleep, with only three words written. (No, its not I Love You)
What i had was ’Obesity is a’
Retarded lah please.
Woke up at 4+ to turn off the laptop -.-

Woke up totally bu shuang ’cos my plan to tell my mom I had a headache and couldn’t go to school didn’t work ’cos she wouldn’t reply me.
Damn man -.-

During History, was hoping that we could go to the ICT rooms to use the comp during hist so I could do Science.
Apparently, Mr Little didn’t come -.-
Then we ended up watching some Industry vid -.-

Drama was okay, some random invent the sport thing..
We did.. Airball (?)
Random name can -.-

Break was asking Song Jin about one world essay.
Then he taught me how to do, haha!
Thanks so much ♥

Ran down to Art then begged Jerry to lend me his teeny laptop to type my essay :D
Hehehe Jerry and his teeny laptop rocks ^^

Then went to Chinese and bugged Jerry to lend me his teeny laptop again hehehe
Kinda’ finished it.
Finished the movie as well hahaha was dang cool :D
They started randomnly swearing -.-
超爱你的 ^^

Science, I just told Mr Kent I needed to print it out and I would give it to him in lunch.
Surprisingly he said its okay.
I’m shocked.
Slept in science for like I dunnoe, half an hour?
’Cos I was dang tired and the movie was.. kinda’ boring..

Spent the whole of lunch in the library :/
Did MUN stuff and my damned Science essay
Hahaha, thanks Song Jin again :D:D
Was damned hungry tho :/
I just totally rock -.-
Damned cool lah please.

Math was kay, we did the SSIS Dragons thing again haha
I think Loh Jun and Nina finally figured how to do the weirdo semi-circle.

Mike: Sarah, why’s your last name Chia?
Sarah: Mike, whys’ your last name Son?
Sarah: Gosh, Mike -walks off-

Mike, for goodness sake, stop being so retarded kay.

Er -.-
Mr Donahue made me run up to Ms Price to get her to burn the vids -.-
Then she brought me to the Tim DUDE.
Was quite funny explaining to Mr Donahue bout the DUDE.
Then he asked me to go photocopy the script onto clear plastic sheets.
Then I asked: Do you want them double-sided?

And the whole class started laughing
Mr Donahue was like: Haha Sarah, nice one, I like that joke!
And he was seriously laughing.
I was just like.. : Seriously, do you want them double-sided?
They laughed even harder....
I’m not stupid kay.
Only smart people like me think of things like that.
So I ran down to the copy room and the people told me they were leaving already..
Leave so early one meh -.-
Then Matt started insulting my singlish so I threw a water bottle at him which hit him in the face.
Good for him.
Then Mr Donahue went to do dunnoe whattt
So we just talked about random things.

One thing we realised:
Loh Jun
Chan Jing Vin
Cheang Jo Rick
Chia Mei Ping, Sarah

My name’s so much longer -.-

Had piano today..
Er.. wasn’t good -.-

Anyways, Nick’s getting the same phone as Lohjun, hahaha dang coool.
Ahh come back soon kay :D

Okay gotta’ start doing Geog.. its due tmr :X
Shawn 2008-06-12 23:54:48

my homerm did tt also sia.we earned a lot seh.haha i msn n tried to blog at maths.
u noe Mike ask me since my surname is Tan
i sld be tan -.-
lame shitter lah he hahha

be nice to me tmr arhhhh
then i hug u(:haha

haha mike`s dang lame,
and G7SZ rocks ^^
2008-06-21 22:38:11