2008-06-03 22:33:55#-SARAH


From Ah Fun jiejie’s wedding :D
Ming Arcade hahahaha
And I remember the stupid high heels that broke -.-
Anyways, moving on.

Today was okay
Ate hell loads of candy
Gonna’ grow fat :/

Did reaction time
Was quite fun :D

Went to the library to do research
I’m going with Shelly and Judy ’cos Angela gotta’ go Malaysia :/
Anyways had fun hahaha

Me and Angela sat in the library looking at books :P
Then we ate my last pack of Milo Nuggets
Woohoo they rock ^^

Was rushing out the essay thingy
I did up to 300+ words :D
So proooo ^^

Learnt some new poem thingy
Gotta’ memorise -.-

Went to the foyer of the back ot the theatre.
Whatever you call it.
I’m in charge of the curtains tmr! :D:D
Then me and Lohjun were talking bout bringing beer hehehe
In disguise of bringing it for Jing Vin
Was dang cool.

Ate with Angela and Shawn Tan
then took pics
Dang cool
Shawn Tan I hate you.
And anyways, I’m very elegant, thanks.
Table tennis-ed
Haven’t played for a longggg time,haha

Math was okay
We got 30 for the quiz! :D
See how much we rock?
Considering the highest was 40?
Do we rock or do we rock?
Got back frequency assignment
Pretty okay grades.
I beat Shawn Tan!
Oh yea, so happy.

Music was better than yesterday’s
Got zapped, tho.
Then totally kicked Hao Wei like 50 thousand million times.
In your face.

Stayed back and played basketball hahaha
Deproved -.-
Anyways, today was okay haha
Even math tution was okay
Tho I struggled to keep awake but yea -.-

I killed 11 mozzies today!! :D
Wooohoooo (:
GERLAI :D 2008-06-03 23:06:18

hohoho.. MING ARCADE ROCKS!!!!

HAHAH Agreeeeedddd ^^
Even tho it was really retarded -.-
2008-06-04 22:33:30
shawntan 2008-06-03 22:54:19

haha nice photo rite.Go ask angelaaa send u haha.The n put on blog.Wah kill so many u blood thirsty like mozzies arh haaha.N u owe me 1 because of something after sch.i forgot le if u rmber tell me arh.oh n sry i made ur ball stuck at the ledge there haha.poor aiming thx to swollen finger:p
beating me at maths very good meh haha i won tt maths quiz thing,haha.Go open champagne and get drunk celebratin lah haha

hahaha will post the pics next time haha.
Mozzies suck -.-
haha its kay.
Yea lah. But you pay for the champagne ah thanks.
2008-06-04 22:32:45