2006-11-12 14:14:26♡HELLO I’m黃郁雅♡


Lonely northern hemisphere

用你的早安陪我 吃晚餐 記得把想念 存進撲滿
Accompany me with your morning greetings while I have dinner.
Remember to save your yearnings into the piggy bank.

我 望著滿天星 在閃 聽牛郎對織女說 要勇敢
I stare at the twinkling stars above, and heard the cowherd said to the weaving girl, "be brave".

不怕我們在地球 的兩端 看你的問候 騎著魔毯
飛 用光速飛到我面前 你讓我看到北極星有十字星作伴
Unafraid of our separation, at the two poles of the Earth.
Your greetings rode on a magic carpet, with the speed of light, flew to me.
You showed me that the north star has the northern cross for company.

少了你的手臂當枕頭 我還不習慣
Without your arm as pillow, I cannot get used to.

你的望遠鏡望不到 我北半球的孤單
You cannot see my loniness in the northern hemisphere through your telescope.

太平洋的潮水跟著地球 來回旋轉
The tides in the Pacific ebb as the Earth revolves.

我會耐心地等 等你有一天靠岸
I will wait patiently. For the day you pull onto shore.

少了你的懷抱當暖爐 我還不習慣
Without your warm hug as my heater, I cannot get used to.

給你照片看不到 我北半球的孤單
You cannot see my loniness in the northern hemisphere through the pictures I give.

世界再大 兩顆真心就能 互相取暖
No matter how vast the world is, two hearts can keep each other warm.

想念不會偷懶 我的夢通通給你保管
Yearnings do not dawdle. I will leave my dreams for you to keep.