2006-05-15 19:25:39Yu Yi, TSAI
Forgive and Forget

Forgive and forget
Someone said " I cam forgive but I will never forget". Someone said " I can not forgive and foget" and someone said " I forgive and forget". What attitude do you have?
For me, I am some kind of person who is not easy to forgive and forget. One of my friend used to say " Saprina, you know you are like that "In order to forgive someone, you need thousand of hours in your heart to blame them first, then you will forgive them"-I am terriable, right?
However, I learned recently more and more about this lesson. I know sometimes, forgive and forget have great power! Once you decided in your mind to forgive and forget the people who cross your way and say bad things about you, what they did and what they say do not matter to you anymore. You are free from the badage of their actions or their words.
And their actions or words have no power to determine your happiness anymore. You are able to control more your emotion and be more stable.
That is great! Isn’t it!
Someone said " I cam forgive but I will never forget". Someone said " I can not forgive and foget" and someone said " I forgive and forget". What attitude do you have?
For me, I am some kind of person who is not easy to forgive and forget. One of my friend used to say " Saprina, you know you are like that "In order to forgive someone, you need thousand of hours in your heart to blame them first, then you will forgive them"-I am terriable, right?
However, I learned recently more and more about this lesson. I know sometimes, forgive and forget have great power! Once you decided in your mind to forgive and forget the people who cross your way and say bad things about you, what they did and what they say do not matter to you anymore. You are free from the badage of their actions or their words.
And their actions or words have no power to determine your happiness anymore. You are able to control more your emotion and be more stable.
That is great! Isn’t it!