2006-04-05 22:29:15Yu Yi, TSAI

Conduct a market survey

1, Attribute List
The more charaters we take, the more questions in our questionaires

2, Relative important (weight)
Method: ordinal (Hierachy)

3, Obtain the evaluation for each " brand" for each attribute
Method: Interval (Likert)
such as: 1=Excellent 2=very good 3=good 4=bad 5=very bad

Attribute Bank A BankB BankC

Quickness 4 3 1
Hour 3 3 2
Location 4 3 3
Parking 1 2 5

If your company have some items are rank as 1: it means competitive advantage. Same, if it is rank as 5: it means your non competitive advantage.

Positioning: The place my brand have reflects other brand as competition in the mind of consumers perceptual map

4, Obtain the solution applying formula
The weight for each brand should be the same. Just the survey result will be filled in. Remember the lowest the point is the better.

The ideal: (1)(1)+(4)(1)+(3)(1)+(2)(1)=10

So, we got the ideal and worst scale. And then we compare with the result:

Bank A: 30
Bank B: 28
Bank C: 29

The data shows-it does not mean the bank B is better. It just means it is just less worst. Because all of them is far from ideal.

After your evaluation, if you found all the industry is far from ideal, the new competitors apply the needs of customers, then the market will quick responds to it.