2006-03-31 01:26:52Yu Yi, TSAI
Corporate Governance

Today I have a conference for " Coporate Governance". Maybe it is beacuse they asked some interesting question? such as:
1, Is there a socially acceptable level of profit?
2, Is capitalism short term oriented?
3, Are managers overpaid?
4, Is Capitalist moral?
5, Why demanding a high ROE level?
6, Are mutual funds quilty?
7, Have public authorities revelent expertise to assess and control corporate gevernance pratices?
Each of question is very shape
1, Is there a socially acceptable level of profit?
2, Is capitalism short term oriented?
3, Are managers overpaid?
4, Is Capitalist moral?
5, Why demanding a high ROE level?
6, Are mutual funds quilty?
7, Have public authorities revelent expertise to assess and control corporate gevernance pratices?
Each of question is very shape