2006-02-10 00:20:45Yu Yi, TSAI


The more and more I grow older, the more and more I come to learn my own weakness about my personality. Many time in my life, I never explained about myself and let others misunderstand me and even let them mock on me.

And I still stay silence. Because I do not like to explain for something which I do not do or even do not think about it. But, what can I said? People’s mind is something which that I can not control and not interest in controlling them.
So, I stay tall in what I am doing and what I am saying. Be myself! Who care what you guys said. Just to know so many people have been decieved. They need to responsible for themselves. Not me, isn’t it?

This time when I face the same situation, I just say to myself. Stay taller and be yourself. It is what makes you to be you. Knowing what you want and be yourself. Who care what they said.