2017-01-09 19:29:35李奕

170109 秀英 Instagram 更新[集中]

"To anybody anywhere who feels like giving up sometimes, but finds it in themselves to get up and keep fighting, I share this with You." .
30번돌려봤다..언니 너무 멋있어요..😭
thank u emma.👏

"To anybody anywhere who feels like giving up sometimes, but finds it in themselves to get up and keep fighting, I share this with You." .
thank u emma.👏
(她引用了Emma Stone的得獎感言。Emma Stone今天以《La La Land》摘下金球獎音樂及喜劇類最佳女主角獎,同時該片入圍七項全數獲獎也是創下紀錄!!)

來源:hotsootuff https://www.instagram.com/p/BPCqAUgg12p/

Beaming effect 2017 concert ✨

일시- 2017.1.13 금요일
장소- 코엑스아티움
MC- 수영,권혁수
출연- 윤형주,윤도현,이동우,소녀시대 티파니,에릭남,이아름,최수진,김재범
후원- 삼성물산
#금요일에만나요 ❤💋
#Seeyou on FRIDAY ❤💋

來源:hotsootuff https://www.instagram.com/p/BPDFT3ogCMe/