2016-04-28 04:06:11李奕

160428 Jessica Instagram 更新[集中]

It's a great feeling!
Finished up shooting an MV last month in lovely LA, Malibu and even the desert! Just completed the final edits today, took over a month because I wanted to make sure every detail was perfect! Can't wait to show it to u guys!
For now, here's a pic ❤️ Who's excited?!! 🌴📷📽🎙

上個月在美麗的LA,馬布里海灘,甚至沙漠中完成了MV的拍攝! 今天剛剛完成了最後的修改, 整個過程花費了一個月之久,因為我想確保每個細節都臻至完美! 迫不及待想要分享給你們看了!
現在, 先看張照片吧 ❤️ 你們激動嗎?!! 🌴📷📽🎙

來源:jessica.syj https://www.instagram.com/p/BEt0W8PEm_b/

Introducing my awesome dancers! 🤘🏻
給你們介紹我超級棒的伴舞們! 🤘🏻

來源:jessica.syj https://www.instagram.com/p/BEu42v0km1b/