2008-07-16 13:44:53冠子







sihui 2008-07-17 09:33:49

life comes from the beauties of imperfections.

let`s take an ordinary day as an example. a child is born into Mother Earth at every sun rise. When noon rolls around, the child has grown and matured -- he has reached the highest point in the sky; Yet as the sun slowly sets and the moon gradually creeps in with darkness, the child grows old and weary and awaits miserably for Night -- or death -- to take over. Just like that, having lived for only around twelve hours, the sun -- the child -- sets beyond the horizon into an unknown world, hopefully somewhere better.

yesterday is a story and tomorrow`s a mystery. what truly belongs to one is all that he has in the very moment. he creates his own tomorrows by what he does in that moment, and the subsequent moments to come. whatever happens next is undoubtedly the consequence of what he does in the present. but as we all know, tomorrow`s a mystery. so why be hasty to unravel the mystery so quickly when we can simply love and enjoy all that we have today?