2017-07-07 05:16:49samuelg45yf7n

where is a fun place to go for


「The memory of a lifetime」 Korea』s Z-and 「Girlfriends」 Portrait Photography Experience

The experience:
Do you want to capture the most beautiful moments with your best friends? We cooperate with a number of Korean photographic studios to deliver a reasonably priced and high quality group photographic experience that allows you and your friends to present yourselves in the best possible light.
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- Highlights -

□If you have many friends don』t worry. We can provide 30 studio spaces to simultaneously handle multiple photographic shoots.
□If you』re by yourself that』s OK too. During your solo shoot we will provide you with beautiful individual portraits.

- Important Info -

□Meeting time:Discuss about the meeting time after you make the reservation.
□Metting points:Seonjeongneung Station Exit 1
□ Duration: approximately 2 hours


□Friendship Portrait package includes:
-Studio photography
-Total time required 1 to 1.5 hours (including photo selection)
-At conclusion of photography each person will be given five 5R (5*7) photos

- Important Info -

□Photograph selection
Photos will be handed over two days after photography ends or at any later time during your Korean trip.

□Photography location
At the pre-arranged time meet at the designated subway station (Seonjeongneung Station Exit 1). Our worker will take you to the studio.

-How to redeem your voucher-
Showing confirmation in mobile phone. No need to print.


- Highlights -

□If you have many friends don』t worry. We can provide 30 studio spaces to simultaneously handle multiple photographic shoots.
□If you』re by yourself that』s OK too. During your solo shoot we will provide you with beautiful individual portraits.

- Important Info -

□Meeting time:Discuss about the meeting time after you make the reservation.
□Metting points:Seonjeongneung Station Exit 1
□ Duration: approximately 2 hours


□Friendship Portrait package includes:
-Studio photography
-Total time required 1 to 1.5 hours (including photo selection)
-At conclusion of photography each person will be given five 5R (5*7) photos

- Important Info -

□Photograph selection
Photos will be handed over two days after photography ends or at any later time during your Korean trip.

□Photography location
At the pre-arranged time meet at the designated subway station (Seonjeongneung Station Exit 1). Our worker will take you to the studio.

-How to redeem your voucher-
Showing confirmation in mobile phone. No need to print.


甲辰年南巡 宮主/老師的話

美麗動人的都曇花一現 唯有真心不滅初衷不變 妳若花朵盛開蝴蝶自來 把握天時給我們的機會 珍惜地利給我們的時間 感謝人間的每



申命記4:1-14 4:1以色列人哪、現在我所教訓你們的律例、典章、你們要聽從遵行、好叫你們存活、得以進入耶和華你們列祖之 神所賜給

19 小時前

什麼 植物 &什麼果實

7 小時前


這次隔了兩個月,終於有空跟堂哥約一約來釣魚了。 自己記憶中,這五近期活魚咬的沒特別好,螃蟹類的反應還不錯,所以就去釣具店買了



最近都吃自助餐   難得周末來吃丹丹漢堡吧 炸的偶爾吃 應該沒關係吧?   本來昨天想買泡麵1袋5包來煮 但又查網路不健
