2006-05-30 15:08:54小王子

Having Cold Feet?

Dear Babe:
The question you asked this afternoon. I can only try to pacify your feeling and anxious instead of leading you a clear way out of it.
People seem to have thousands of problems when it comes to love, and most of which are from our side. What if he is not the one? What if I’ll fail in love with someone else? What if I can love him in the near future as the way I love him now. What if I still want somebody else in my life? Can I share the fact that I like someone else? Am I be able to tell him I like his friend?
Believe me, there will be endless questions in the future lay in the heading way. No one can really solve these problems in their life cause the all come one after another. But you made up your choice long before you set off. You took his hand and trusted him as the one you are going to share your life with. Ask yourself why and how did you pick up this decision?
Love is not to bear everything and to bear everything as well. The timing dose matter! When the point had been checked twice and the choice had been made, you can only accept what comes in the future. Without any doubt, the new life of two of you is about to kick off.
So I should stop telling you to believe in him but yourself. You have to make yourself believe that you can do this. Love is not just about obsession, sex, two people being together or any other simple stuff. You are now sharing your life. And God knows what’s gonna happen between. I say as long as you keep on trying and never quit yourself, things will eventually work out.
Remember, no matter what decision you make, I will always be watching your back! Now, go on! Be the sparkling model for us! (You have no idea how many of us are so envy and jealous about you being so brave and free to make up your choice.)
Best wish to you two.
Love Franck