2011-01-04 21:02:46挖洗拍狼啦~

Sydney, it's a special city...

雪梨, 它是個特別的城市. 因為我們可以在這邊看到盛大的跨年煙火, 所以許多的背包客在新年前夕都會集中到這個城市. 因此它是個可以讓我們再度見到彼此的城市. 但同時, 它也是個我們必須再一次說再見的城市...

跨年之後, 我已經陸續跟好幾個朋友說再見了. 每一次的再見都讓人有些難過, 特別是其中一些朋友... 我跟你們大概已經沒有機會可以在澳洲相見了吧... 但是我相信有一天, 我們還是能在某處再度碰面...

再見... 祝你好運! 不論你在哪裡, 保重了朋友...


Sydney, it's a special city. Because we can see the famous firework here, so lots of backpackers wanna come here on new year's eve. So it's a city which we could meet each other again. But it's also a city which we have to say good bye to each other again...

After the new year's eve, I have already said good bye to several of my friends. Every time I feel sad, especially some of my friends... I might have no more chance to see you again in Australia... But I belive that someday we'll meet each other again at somewhere.

Good bye and good luck! Where ever you are, take care by yourself...