2005-06-14 21:18:33GLORY*ZEGERS

School life!

well~有時候都會想..那麼執著.除了別人的不諒解.我得到了什麼..我也不知道.總覺得自己生活在不屬於自己領域的生活圈..I've been wondering,what's the life for?? For the god damn school?Nah~i dont think so!在台灣生活的每個人,永遠都在競爭..不管是在學業上.甚至出了社會的事業..!好累~why dont u guys find some fun & informative stuff to do?From now on,i'm gonna do what i wanna do , say what i wanna say!Dont even care about the funny rules that stupid people made!就是想要好好的過完自己的人生~!no more regret!!