2019-03-31 10:34:05rzzdh5l5nnht

【大力推薦】Britax 儿童推- B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨-用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡- Hard Carrycot 開箱炫耀文2018熱銷產品

我相信,大家都知道買Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard網拍熱門商品發燒好康 Carrycot



如果你今天買了Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard Carrycot




Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard Carrycot


Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard Carrycot












Britax Römer Pushchair B-Motion 3 Plus including Canopy Pack and Hard Carrycot 設計式樣: Cosmos Black · 2019

This comprehensive set which consists of the Britax Römer B-Motion 3 Plus, a Canopy Pack and a hard carrycot comes in matching colours and accompanies your little one from birth up to the toddler age.

Items delivered:

  • Britax Römer pushchair B-Motion 3 Plus

  • Britax Römer Canopy Pack

  • Britax Römer Hard Carrycot

The three-wheeled Britax Römer pushchair B-Motion 3 Plus masters every terrain with ease - whether that be uneven grounds off-road or the shopping malls in town.

Due to the comfortable Britax hard carrycot even the littlest can enjoy a nice and relaxing ride in the B-Motion 3 Plus. The mattress is super soft and promotes the flat lying position recommended by doctors and midwives. The spacious carrycot provides both safety and protection. By using the CLICK & GO adaptor included in delivery, you can easily and quickly attach the hard carrycot to the chassis of the B-Motion Plus.

The revolutionary folding system features a one-hand folding mechanism that will delight you immediately. It enables you to fold the B-Motion 3 Plus even with your child on your arm.

Its extra-large, air-filled wheels absorb all possible shocks and provide your child with high riding comfort. The Britax Römer B-Motion features a single-wheel suspension on the front wheels and on the rear wheels and adapts to the weight of your child so that it manoeuvres he pushchair perfectly on every terrain. The pushchair's swivel front wheel can be locked if necessary.

The colourful Canopy Pack included in this set makes your Britax Römer B-Motion 3 Plus complete. It consists of a convenient sun canopy and a matching play bar cover. The Canopy Pack from the Denim collection also comes with an ad好康活動比價撿便宜ditional wind protection. Cheerful details in bright colours will add some oomph to your little one's world. The adjustable footrest and the backrest with flat recline position provides a high level of comfort and can be used flexibly right from birth and up.

The Britax Römer B-Motion 3 Plus can also be transformed in a convenient travel system which gives you much more freedom when travelling. With the CLICK & GO adaptor included in delivery you can attach any Britax Römer infant car seat to the chassis of the B-Motion 3 Plus. Due to the flat recline position you can even combine the pushchair with a soft carrycot.

Details pushchair B-Motion 3 Plus:

  • Extremely manoeuvrable, three-wheeled pushchair

  • Including Canopy Pack - sun canopy and play bar cover

  • Canopy Pack Denim with additional wind protection

  • Suitable from birth up to a weight of 17 kg

  • Extra-large wheels - front wheels 24 cm, rear wheels 28.5 cm

  • One-hand folding mechanism

  • Single wheel suspension, swivel front wheel

  • Seat unit with mesh insert

  • Removable and washable seat cover

  • Height-adjustable, continuous push bar

  • Flat recline position with adjustable footrest

  • Height-adjustable harness

  • Spacious shopping basket
  • 首選CP值爆表

  • Including CLICK & GO adaptor suitable for any Britax Römer infant car seat

  • Dimensions folded: H 41 x W 58 x D 70 cm

  • Dimensions unfolded: H 82 - 110 x W 58 x D 100 cm

  • Height of push bar: 82 - 110 cm

  • Weight: 11.5 kg開箱炫耀文2018熱銷產品

Details Canopy Pack:

  • Suitable for the Britax Agile Plus and B-Motion Plus

  • Consists of canopy (removable, water-repellent hood) with sun visor and play bar cover

  • Canopy Pack Denim including wind protection

Details Hard Carrycot:

  • Suitable for all Britax strollers

  • Including soft mattress

  • Dimensions: (W x D): 28 - 32 x 75 cm




Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard Carrycot





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【影片】超神預測!駕駛才剛講完就遭撞 網友笑翻:忍不住重播好幾次!










聯航因超賣機位,因此硬趕客人下機,甚至使用暴力連拖帶拉,把69歲的亞裔醫師杜成德(David Dao,陶大衛)強拖下機,結果引發了全球震怒的流血事件。而美國福斯電視網(Fox)當紅卡通《辛普森家庭》(The Simpsons)因熱愛針砭時事,廣受觀眾歡迎。現在爆出「聯航流血事件」,其實辛普森早有預言,這是繼川普當選後,再度讓網友驚呆的神預測。

事發當時,聯航該班機的位置不夠讓員工登機,於是要求4名自願者放棄機位,並且提出芝加哥住宿以及800美元的補償,由於當時沒有人願意下機,所以工作人員展開「挑選」程序。根據《每日郵報》報導報導,本來被挑中的杜成德和妻子同意下機,但是得知下一班飛往目的地的班機要隔天下午才起飛,即表示自己是一名醫生,因為隔天一早八點就就要幫病人看診,所以拒絕下機,同時一手拿著電話和另一頭的律師討論這件事,也不斷向航警揮手示意「I am not going」(我不會下飛機的)。

▼杜成德和航警對話(影片/YouTube/Fame Magazine II)


▼(影片/YouTube danny doherty)

然而,曾經神準預測「川普入主白宮」的《辛普森家族》,這次似乎又再度預言成功!臉書粉絲團「完全沒有畫面 有檔案 完全沒有畫面」15日貼出一段《辛普森家族》的影片截圖,只見辛普森家庭五口中的爸爸「荷馬」被航警追趕下機,並且持警棍痛毆,而且荷馬的黃皮膚,與此次被毆的杜成德「黃種人」身份不謀而合。


▼(影片/Youtube/Bart Simpson)

Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard Carrycot

推薦, Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard Carrycot

討論, Britax 儿童推? B-Motion 3 Plus,含晴雨?用罩 Canopy Pack + 睡? Hard Carrycot

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