"Meeting a virtuous person but once and by chance will suffice for friendship strong and for ever, not wanting repeated assurance.
《掌中解脫》一次或無意,值遇諸正士,無需極親密,即成堅固性。Jm. 31.71
From virtuous persons you should never keep remote; to worship them yourself devote. Their fragrance-spreading virtues uncompelled must attain him who stands near them, as does flower-dust.
p. 03813悉不應遠諸善士,以調伏理修善行,由近彼故其德塵,雖不故染自然薰。Jm. 31.72
The cars of kings, with jewels shining and with gold, with their possessors lose their beauty, growing old. But not to pious conduct has old age access. So strong a love of virtues pious men possess.待譯Jm. 31.74
How distant the Earth from Heaven is, the East how far from sunset, and both Ocean's shores from one another. Greater distance keeps of virtue severed and of wrong the lores."
p. 14305虛空與地中隔遠,大海彼此岸亦遠,東西二山中尤遠,凡與正法遠於彼。Jm 31.75