2019-03-30 04:38:23rvfnxl1f1flr

【團購熱門產品】Britax R-mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃--特別定製版Nordic Grey 必買商品

最近媽媽生日快到了,偷偷打聽後知道媽媽最近想買 Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃--特別定製版Nordic Grey

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嘿嘿~今年一定要給媽媽驚喜,居然可以送他最想要的暢銷排行 2018流行產品Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃--特別定製版Nordic Grey










Britax Römer Infant Car Seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size - Special Edition Nordic Grey 2019

The infant car seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size by Britax Römer offers plenty of space to grow and provides a flat recline position. The special edition Nordic Grey features a distinctive design. Being equipped with a comfortably soft design cover, stylish ornamental seams and an extendable sun canopy contributes to its unique aesthetic appeal and ensures a luxurious appearance for all new parents.

Group/weight category:

  • Suitable from birth up to a body height of 83 cm

  • Suitable for children from birth up to 13 kg

  • Can be used from birth up to approximately 15 months

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R129 (i-Size)

Attaching the infant car seat by using the Britax Römer Baby Safe i-Size Flex Base or the Baby Safe i-Size Base (not included in delivery!) is very simple. Colour indicators signalise whether the infant car seat has been installed correctly and provide additional safety. Alternatively, you can install the infant car seat Baby Safe 2 i-Size by using your car's own seat belt.

At the beginning, the neck muscles of newborn babies is not yet fully developed which is why your child should preferably lie in a flat position. The patented technology by Britax Römer ensures such a position. Adjusting the recline position is very simple - when you adjust the height of the headrest, the recline position adapts accordingly. The built-in newborn insert with shock-absorbing foam padding provides extra support and additional protection.

The SICT technology is to be activated on the door side of the car seat at all times. The side impact protection technology provides double protection for your child. In case of a side impact, the forces that occur are distributed away from your little one and then absorbed.

The 5-point safety belt is perfectly suitable最多人購買 for your child. It keeps him safe in the shell and distributed the forces that occur in the event of an impact via five different points. The padded headrest as well as the shoulder straps can be adjusted easily and with only one hand - that way, they can be adapted perfectly to the size of your child.

Tip: Please make sure that the headrest is always in the correct position above the shoulders of your child.

The sun canopy offers protection against wind and sunshine. Due to the fact that the attachment points are located on the side of the carrying handle, you can easily carry infant car seat even when canopy is opened. The carrying handle can be unlocked on each side and adjusted in an easy and effortless way. When the infant car seat is put on the floor, you can easily put your child in or else prevent the Baby Safe 2 i-Size from rocking.

Another great highlight: The Baby Safe 2 i-Size is certified and approved for being used on airplanes. That way, your little one can enjoy the tried and tested safety as well as the comfort provided by this infant car seat both when travelling by car and by plane.



  • Special Edition - Nordic Grey with high-quality cover

  • Infant car seat with a lot of space and flat lying position

  • Suitable from birth up to approximately 13kg

  • Installation via car's own seat belt or the Britax Römer Baby Safe i-Size Flex Base and Baby Safe i-Size Base (not included in delivery!)

  • Certified and approved for being used on airplanes

  • Inclination of base can be adjusted in four different levels

  • Newborn insert with shock-absorbing foam pads

  • Dual-shield side impact protection

  • Five-point harness with belt pads

  • Sun canopy with UV protection 50+

  • Dimensions: 58 x W 44 x D 67 cm

  • Weight: 4.8 kg

  • Made in Germany




Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃--特別定製版Nordic Grey





治療雄性禿恐不舉? 專家這麼說

許多男性深受雄性禿問題所擾,卻又不敢積極治療,最主要的原因就是擔心治療雄性禿恐導致雄風不再。難道真的是這樣嗎?聖仁皮膚科鄭嘉琪醫師表示,臨床上的確有約1%至3%患者服用口服雄性禿髮藥物後會出現性功能障礙的問題,但患者只要停藥就能逐漸恢復,並不會造成永久性的影響。此外,若患者擔心影響性功能時,亦可改以外用生髮藥水來控制落髮。 跟著健談圖文認識治療雄性禿常見問題。




專家諮詢:聖仁皮膚科 鄭嘉琪醫師


■ 雄性禿的分期與治療建議

【印度平權里程碑】同性性行為除罪化 解除160年殖民時期禁令


《衛報》(Guardian)報導指出,印度最高法院首席大法官米斯拉(Dipak Misra)宣布:「《印度刑法典》第377條對肉體性交進行刑事定罪並不合理,顯然是專斷,是站不住腳的法條。」


判決書中,大法官引用加拿大詩人柯恩(Leonard Cohen)說:「從同性戀的灰塵中,民主來到了美國」和英國詩人道格拉斯勳爵(Lord Alfred Douglas)的「不敢言說之愛」闡述應解禁同性之愛的理由。

約1.4億印度人為LGBT 歷史欠一個公道

另一名大法官馬赫拉(Indu Malhotra)指出:「歷史導致同性族群的權益遲來,應該道歉。」5席大法官認定,印度13億人口中約有高達8%的1.4億人,可能正是LGBT族群的一員。




LGBT團體「Humsafar Trust」指出,過去曾接獲18位同性戀男子尋求協助,表示因為自己的性傾向遭警方勒索敲詐,或受到威脅要舉報同性關係。此外,至收到52名LGBT人士指出,曾在工作場合因此受到歧視與騷擾,卻因當時同性戀受到法律禁止,因此無法舉報。


日眾議員指「同性戀沒有生產力」 LGBT團體遞交請願書要求道歉

馬來西亞同性戀酒吧遭警方突襲 當局:抑制LGBT文化蔓延

遭LGBT砲轟 「黑寡婦」史嘉蕾喬韓森辭演跨性別情色大亨

Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃--特別定製版Nordic Grey

推薦, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰特價商品限量不等人的兒提籃--特別定製版Nordic Grey

討論, Britax R?mer寶得適Baby Safe 2城市太空艙二代 i-Size嬰兒提籃--特別定製版Nordic Grey

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