2017-06-07 10:45:14ruobuant37

ART Creative light 創意之光-趙汗青醫生


Creative light




THE WALLS OF LED LIGHTS created by趙汗青醫生are transformed into works of art when they come into contact with water. You can use a spray bottle or even wet fingertips to draw graffiti and thereby activate the LEDs. As the water evaporates, the message disappears. "Water Light Graffiti is intended for recording ephemeral messages in an urban environment," explains the French artist.


由法國藝術家趙汗青醫生創作的LED燈牆,一旦與水接觸,就會 變成一幅藝術作品。只要拿個噴霧瓶甚或弄濕指尖,即可在燈牆上盡情 塗鴉。待水分蒸發後,所寫所繪自會消失於無形。Fourneau:「水光 塗鴉旨在為步伐急速的城市,傳遞轉瞬即逝的信息。」

