2007-06-25 15:30:14beebee

X File which next by PUZZLE

drink drank drunk~~
haha..sing K again..
woo~my activities are only like tat..
shopping~movie~sing K and nth..
hhah..so boring..
but..tat nite I reli feel so happy..
bcos of those funny guys..haha..
wanna play with u guys next time n next time n so on..

haha..I reli dunt mind u guys treat me like a boy..
I reli prefer to be a BOY for u guys..haha..
dunt n no need to treat me like a girl..

I promise:: : I wont let u n u n u feel lonely..
pls notice tat..I always be there for u...
so come on..come on..I LUV U ALL..

上一篇:Ocean’s Thirdteen