2006-08-22 19:36:01多多小姐*yaru

to 葵

Low-Fat Diet Does Not Cut Health Risks, Study Finds
A new study says that a low-fat diet actually has no influence on your chances of getting cancer or hearth disease. The study followed the diets of nearly 49,000 women aged 50 to 79. Women who were instructed to reduce their fat intake were no healthier than those who ate whatever they wanted.

Don’t Think So Much
Scientists recently discovered that people shouldn’t give big decisions too much thought. Thinking hard about an easy decision is fine. But for the difficult choices, we shouldn’t think as much. Get the facts, and then stop thinking for a while. The guts will then take over and decide for us.

World Population Hits 6.5 Billion
This year, the global population hit 6.5 billion. Better Healthcare and economic development have caused the sudden rise in numbers. Of the top ten countries with the highest population, six of them are in Asia. Many of these countries are unable to support such large populations.

Cheer from afar, my love
It’s now possible for couples who are far apart from each other to drink together. Scientists have created a pair of wine glasses equipped with lights and a wireless connection. When someone picks up a glass, red lights glow warmly on the other. And when it is put to the lips, lights on the rim of the other glass turn on. Gan bei!