2023-04-30 12:51:34Ramón Chen

Rehab for senior men高齡者的復健 LOL(FROM汪永瑞)

Rehab for senior men高齡者的復健 LOL(FROM汪永瑞)



高齡者的復健    Rehab for senior men  




Rehab Exercise For senior Men



My doctor started me on a rehab exercise program.

I am walking with a walking therapist every day.



I never knew walking with someone else was such

an incentive.

We don't talk much during the walk, though.



My therapist walks about 10 metres ahead of me and

Sets the pace, as directed by my doctor.













So far, I have followed her for 27 km without

Even using my cane!


每走1公里 我覺得我的心臟越來越好,血壓和呼吸都改善了很多

I am feeling better each km and my heart condition,

My blood pressure and my breathing seem to be improving.



I now just have to remember the way to get home.



(Send this to all senior men for exercise incentive!)






























































































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