2023-04-26 00:02:05Ramón Chen
一碗南瓜及鮮奶 - 預防退化性膝關節炎秘方
一碗南瓜及鮮奶 - 預防退化性膝關節炎秘方
> 一碗南瓜及鮮奶 - 預防退化性膝關節炎秘方 > > 預防退化性膝關節炎秘方(一人份) > > 1. 取鮮奶一碗及南瓜一碗(南瓜將外皮洗淨連皮帶子切成小塊)。 > One bowl of milk and one bowl of pumpkin cut in small pieces > with seeds after cleaning the skin. > > > 2. 將各一碗南瓜及鮮奶倒進鍋子或大碗公內,放入電鍋,外鍋放八分滿量杯的水,按下開關蒸煮。 > Put both into a bigger bowl and place inside an electric cooker > 80% filled with water and steam > 3. 煮好後當早餐吃,還滿好吃,要持續天天吃,可預防退化性膝關節炎、五十肩、肌腱炎等。 > Eat this as breakfast daily for 3 months for prevention of > degenerating arthritis on joints, shoulders and tendons. > > > > 4. 如已經有嚴重退化性膝關節炎者,在晚上9點再吃一次,持續吃3個月就有明顯好轉。 > For persons suffering from acute arthritis eat once more at 9 pm > at night for 3 months for obvious improvement. > > > > 5. > 此秘方係出國旅遊時70歲陳太太告知,她10年前發生退化性膝關節炎,到各大醫院求醫並打玻尿酸無效,醫生建議做人工關節時,朋友告知此 秘方,而開始持續吃3個月後,慢慢好轉,現已可到處旅遊。A friend got this formula from a 70 year-old lady on a trip who had suffer for 10 years
trying different kinds of cures without effect refused changing of joints and turned to this secret formula. After 3 months, she was able to travel everywhere.