2005-05-22 15:29:54Selavvy


吳興國的當代傳奇劇場來這裡演出名作<慾望城國>是改編自莎劇馬克白的現代京劇. 看了覺得不錯, 不過也有些錯亂感.劇中想要亮給我們這種門外漢或是外國人看的show-off piece很多(尤其是林秀偉演出的一段舞蹈...好像只是因為他們有林秀偉, 所以就加了進來), 不過因為劇很短, 本身就很壓縮了, 加入這些片段多少有些頭重腳輕. 增加了雜錦秀的感覺. 還有導演的手法, 我覺得有兩個缺點, 一是搞笑有點太多, 像是敖叔夫人逼夫弒君的一慕, 演得活像是情境喜劇, 然後森林妖魅很像是迪士尼的巫婆. 另一個是處裡象徵的時候讓人覺得過份廉價, 沒有慢慢發展出的張力. 像是最後所謂移動的森林(還有敖叔征死後舞台上垂下的, 水草狀的東西/森林), 當然我們可以自己解釋, 告訴自己說, 喔, 好, 這就是, 嗯, 人心中的森林, 嗯, 當我們失去了原則就會把森林/迷宮移到心中來. *不過*舞台演出不是在上課, 我也不是小學生, 我希望可以看到更有深度的藝術手法了表現這個觀點, 而不是丟出幾個字叫我自己填滿心中的空白.

另一個感想是京劇果然蠻好看, 文武場的伴奏極具戲劇效果. 魏海敏的唱功也很厲害, 好聽好聽. 佈景服裝都作很好...

Wu Shing-Kuo's Modern Legend theatre brought their famous performance Kingdom of Desire to San Jose today. It was a modern Beijing pera adapted from Shakespeare's Macbeth. My immediate feeling is that the show as a collective is above average, but it also leaves a somewhat misplaced feeling. To attract the attention of beginner Chinese opera viewers and foreigners, they add many show-off martial arts or dance pieces in the play. The most prominant example being the dance in Act III by Lin Shiu-Wei (famous dancer/cholegrapher who happened to be Wu's wife and executive producer of this play). It was nice but nothing to do with the plot. It seems that they have that simply because they can... However, the play itself has been put into a highly compressed form (whole performance is done in about 2 hour's time, and you feel all the events are flying by you), so with these show-off things, you feel a little disoriented, like you are watching a serious drama and switching off to another channel for variety show every few minutes.

(To be continued)