this is my life;
and welcome.
上一篇:fabulous day
do u know my heart? not because i lost it; but do u know it? i just want to live a life that i’ve been always want to. smell the snow test the sorrow and hear i love u from you. do you know it? -me
Bal b/f TW$33+TW$3=TW$36 Bal c/f
113.7.3. 今天真是個不期而遇的日子。 下午請一個小時的假提早下班去辦事, 結果, 先是在社區轉角遇到一家之主。 接著
113.6.23. 前天,幼兒園完成了第29屆畢業典禮, 對我來說有一種如釋重負的感覺~哇!又完成了一件大工程! 我們的畢業典禮不奢華也
這次坐廉航可依航空沒午餐桃園第一航廈選清真牛肉炸醬麵套餐加入iRich打95折僅$181超便宜 竟然可以找到 $200 以下的套餐
do u know my heart?
not because i lost it;
but do u know it?
i just want to live a life that i’ve been
always want to.
smell the snow
test the sorrow
and hear i love u from you.
do you know it?