2006-01-03 23:19:25Issue

2005 Top20 - Music


今年我的榜單很多都是老專輯,因為這些在台灣比較不好找,去美國就買了很多,大多都是93到95年的專輯。當然也還是有很多好遺珠,像是the Walkmen的Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me Is Gone,還有...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead的Source Tags & Codes….等,並不是我不愛,是我自己沒有好好做功課所以不好意思擺到榜單裡。Anyway…. 2005年都過了,過去的是就算了吧….嘿嘿…..

Artist/ Album
Bloc Party/Silent Alarm
The Boo Radleys/ Wake up(1995)/ Giant Steps(1993)
Brendan Benson/ One Mississippi
Built to Spill/ Keep it like a secret
The Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Their satanic majesties’ second request/ Take it from the man
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club/ Howl
Codeine/ Frigid Stars
Elbow/ Leaders of the free world
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion/ Now I got worry
The Legends/ Public Radio
Liz Phair/ Exile in Guyville (1993)
Maximilian Hecker / Infinite Love Songs
The Magnetic Fields/ 69 love songs (1999)
Medicine/ Shot forth self living (1992)
My Morning Jacket/ Z
Plus-Minus/ Let’s Build a Fire
Sigur Ros/ Takk…
Supergrass/ Road to the Rouen
Spoon/ Girls can tell (1994)
Sebadoh/ Bakesale (1994)
Simian/ We are your friends (2002)
Swervedriver/ Ejector Seat Reservation / Juggernaut Rides 1989-1998
Stephen Malkmus/ Face the Truth
Sloan/ Twice Removed (1994)
Slowdive/ Souvlaki
The Tears/ Here come the tears
Teenage Fanclub/ Grand Prix(1995)
The Warlocks/ Surgery
Wilco/ Summerteeth (1999)/ Being there (1996)

qdsqt 2013-05-04 04:21:43

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