2006-08-25 00:09:41rocksteven
Chasing Cars /追逐
Snow Patrol/雪警樂團
2006年全新大碟OPEN EYES/大開眼界
專輯主打Chasing Cars/追逐
We’ll do it all 我們竭盡所能
Everything 對一切未來
On our own 都 靠著彼此
We don’t need 我們不需要
Anything 無奈世俗
Or anyone 與其他外人
If I lay here 如果我躺在這
If I just lay here 就這麼躺在這了
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 你肯陪著我並一起遺忘這醜陋塵土嗎?
I don’t quite know 我不完全了解
How to say 怎麼開口
How I feel 我的感受重重
Those three words 這三個字
Are said too much 對你我來說太常出現
They’re not enough 也已不夠支撐了
If I lay here 如果我就躺在這
If I just lay here 就這們與世界短辭
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 你肯跟著我並肩忘掉這齣戲碼嗎?
Forget what we’re told 就忘了彼此的傷言告誡
Before we get too old 在我們還來得及走上最後一程時
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life 請給我機會看你那如花園般艷麗的記憶
Let’s waste time 我們揮灑著分秒
Chasing cars 追著無終的列車
Around our heads 追逐腦裡的美影
I need your grace 好想你一個溫柔
To remind me 來提醒我
To find my own 尋找真正的感受
If I lay here 如果我躺在這
If I just lay here 就這麼躺在這了
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 你肯賠盡人生就在這與我廝守嗎?
Forget what we’re told 就忘掉那無值的束縛吧
Before we get too old 在我們還沒為另一半哭泣前
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life 請給我你那如後院森園般甜美的內在吧
All that I am 我的現在
All that I ever was 種種過去
Is here in your perfect eyes, they’re all I can see 都已攤在你那完美的雙眸裡,也交叉了我所謂的天堂
I don’t know where 不清楚身處何處
Confused about how as well 搞混了解決的定義
Just know that these things will never change for us at all 只知道這些難題是不會自己為我們解決的
If I lay here 如果我就逝去
If I just lay here 如果就這麼走了
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?你肯陪我走那最後一程嗎?
雪警樂團中文官方網站 http://umusic.com.tw/Microsite/snow/main.htm
英文官方網站 http://www.snowpatrol.com/
2006年全新大碟OPEN EYES/大開眼界
專輯主打Chasing Cars/追逐
We’ll do it all 我們竭盡所能
Everything 對一切未來
On our own 都 靠著彼此
We don’t need 我們不需要
Anything 無奈世俗
Or anyone 與其他外人
If I lay here 如果我躺在這
If I just lay here 就這麼躺在這了
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 你肯陪著我並一起遺忘這醜陋塵土嗎?
I don’t quite know 我不完全了解
How to say 怎麼開口
How I feel 我的感受重重
Those three words 這三個字
Are said too much 對你我來說太常出現
They’re not enough 也已不夠支撐了
If I lay here 如果我就躺在這
If I just lay here 就這們與世界短辭
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 你肯跟著我並肩忘掉這齣戲碼嗎?
Forget what we’re told 就忘了彼此的傷言告誡
Before we get too old 在我們還來得及走上最後一程時
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life 請給我機會看你那如花園般艷麗的記憶
Let’s waste time 我們揮灑著分秒
Chasing cars 追著無終的列車
Around our heads 追逐腦裡的美影
I need your grace 好想你一個溫柔
To remind me 來提醒我
To find my own 尋找真正的感受
If I lay here 如果我躺在這
If I just lay here 就這麼躺在這了
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 你肯賠盡人生就在這與我廝守嗎?
Forget what we’re told 就忘掉那無值的束縛吧
Before we get too old 在我們還沒為另一半哭泣前
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life 請給我你那如後院森園般甜美的內在吧
All that I am 我的現在
All that I ever was 種種過去
Is here in your perfect eyes, they’re all I can see 都已攤在你那完美的雙眸裡,也交叉了我所謂的天堂
I don’t know where 不清楚身處何處
Confused about how as well 搞混了解決的定義
Just know that these things will never change for us at all 只知道這些難題是不會自己為我們解決的
If I lay here 如果我就逝去
If I just lay here 如果就這麼走了
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?你肯陪我走那最後一程嗎?
雪警樂團中文官方網站 http://umusic.com.tw/Microsite/snow/main.htm
英文官方網站 http://www.snowpatrol.com/