2007-02-25 11:01:38ㄚ春和阿華

新聞分享- 遲來的榮耀

在戰爭中所展現的那種置生死於度外的勇氣常常是最令人動容的。 一種願意為國家和同袍而犧牲的情感緊緊地繫著每一個參與戰事的士兵。這位飛行員因為在越戰中英勇深入敵陣,補充物資,救出同袍。在41年的漫長等待之後,他即將接受國家授予的榮譽勳章。 報導中敘述了Bruce Crandall這位飛行員如何駕著沒有武裝也沒有先進的防衛裝備的直昇機,自願飛入敵軍陣地,救出多達70多名受傷的士兵.

Pilot gets Medal of Honor 41 years later
By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer


Pilot gets Medal of Honor 41 years later

Bruce Crandall was a soldier once ... and young.
As a 32-year-old helicopter pilot, he flew through a gantlet of enemy fire, taking ammunition in and wounded Americans out of one of the fiercest battles of the Vietnam War, Army records say.

Now, a week after his 74th birthday, Crandall will receive the nation’s highest military honor Monday in a White House ceremony with President Bush.

"I’m still here," he said of his 41-year-wait for the Medal of Honor. "Most of these awards are posthumous, so I can’t complain."
Crandall’s actions in the November 1965 Battle at Ia Drang Valley were depicted in the Hollywood movie "We Were Soldiers," adapted from the book "We Were Soldiers Once ... And Young."

At the time, Crandall was a major commanding a company of the 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile).