2008-09-22 01:02:46Eileen

so confused

sigh...these past few days, i had been checking that bitch's blog too much!!! even though i knew i would get pissed just looking at their pictures, i just couldnt help it -_- alright, i need to admit that i cant let go of that stupid past...when i think about it sometimes, i still feel really bad. not that im sad about loosing that worthless man, but i just dont get why he chose her...she isnt that pretty...and she is only like..what...16 years old..!!! just turned 16!!! errr i hate girls that cry so much just to make men give them some attention!!! omg, men are just that stupid to be fooled!! those girls arent cute...crying makes them so vulnerable in front of men, but seem very bitchy for girls!! why do they pretend to be so fragile!!!

sigh...got another problem to think about...about him....he is so perfect...but i dont know why i just dont have that feeling toward him!! i can totally imagine being with him...but somehow something keeps me from liking him =( he is always very gentle.. like a real gentleman :D today we went to movie, in the middle of the movie, all of a sudden, he just reached to hold my hand!!! errr i didnt let go, but after that, i just pretended to hold my drink to prevent holding hands again...and even after movie, i just kept holding my drink to keep my hands busy...whywhywhy ...why do i always give up good men to fall in love with someone that doesnt fit me....even when i have a chance to choose, i still choose the wrong guy...and the think is...i KNOW im choosing the wrong guy and i dont dare to change -_- strange me...