2020-01-09 12:57:21rileybutjtl




說實在 , 我真的超懶得更文的...真是太不應該了

當然 , 升上二年級之後 , 課業壓力也十分沉重 , 希望大家能諒解!

話說 , 今天是寒輔第一天 , 一整個很不想起來


1/20 結業式  超級熱 站到都快發瘋了

1/22  和班上20多位同學去了一趟三峽 , 拍了很多很多照片回來 , 我覺得滿好玩的

            尤其是客家文化園區 , 大家搶佔主播檯 , Tim和林主任一搭一唱...超好笑

1/24  Tim辦了Birthday Party...本來想去 , 後來卡到時間...結果我就沒去了!


終於要進入這次的主題了...可愛的Alvin and the Chipmunks

之前上映的鼠來寶2 , 雖然我沒去看...不過應該不難看吧!

尤其是裡面的歌曲 , 真的都好可愛 好好聽喔~

鼠來寶1我有看 , 但從來都沒看完...

所以我想我的介紹 , 大概就只能focus在我喜歡的歌了

當然 , 大家有認為好聽的歌曲...也一定要介紹給我喔 謝謝~


第一首要介紹的是 The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)



Remix版本 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Poqtaf6mVE&feature=related

這兩個版本都很可愛...而且你可以聽到Dave一直對Alvin吼 , 超好笑的!

眼睛很漂亮 , 卻戴聖誕老公公的眼鏡的Simon(賽門)

接下來這首是翻唱自 城市琴人丹尼爾Daniel PowterBad Day

相信喜歡西洋樂的各位 , 一定對這位加拿大才子不陌生

他的Bad Day , 一定也都會哼個幾句

Alvin and the Chipmunks-Bad Day(按我聽歌)

the Chipmunks唱的風格 , 又真的和Daniel不太一樣...



接下來這首真的很好聽 , 對話真的很好笑

Ho Ho Ho- Alvin & the Chipmunks(按我聽歌)

Ho, ho, ho and Jingle Jingle.
Bells are ringing all around.
Snowflakes fall and lights adorn
our very merry Tinsel Town.

Ho, ho, ho and Jingle Jingle.
Santa sits us on his knee.
Christmas gifts lie patiently
Beneath our decorated tree!
Fa, la, ya, la.La, ya, la, la, leee!

Merry Christmas,Happy Hannukah!
Its the time to send a gift
To those of us less fortunate!

Alvin: But Dave, if Christmas is so merry,
why did you say it makes you, uptight?

Dave: I-I never said that Alvin!

Theodore: Yes you did!

Dave: I don't need this from you Theodore.

Alvin: You said, you cant wait for it to be over and that

Dave: Ho, ho, ho Alvin, that's your line,ho ho ho.

Ho, ho, ho and Jingle Jingle.
Carolers sing merrily.
Presents promise happiness
If only temporarily!

Ho, ho, ho and Jingle Jingle.
Grandma sends a baby truck!
We are way too old for that
But Dave tells us to "Suck It Up!"
Fa, la, ya, la.La, Ya, la, ya, yuuupp!

Merry Christmas,Happy Hannukah!
Its the time to send a gift
To those of us less fortunate!

Alvin: Like cash grandma, send us cash!

Dave: Alvin.

Theodore: A-and no more trucks Grandma.

Simon/Theodore: Yeah!

Dave: Uh, shall we just stick to the lyrics I wrote, please?

Alvin: Aw, but you're in a bad mood anyway, and just be-

Dave: I am NOT in a bad mood!

Theodore: Dave, y-you said to be honest with our feelings.

Dave: So?!

Simon: Just admit that you're..."stressed."

Dave: I am NOT stressed!!

Ho, ho, ho and Jingle Jingle.
Car are honking constantly.
Giving David headaches and
Increasing his anxiety!!

Ho, ho, ho, and Jingle Jingle.
Grown-ups seem to go beserk!
Why are parents so wigged-out?
When Santa Claus does all the work.
La, la, ya la.La, ya, la.Beserk!

Dave: Okay, hold it right there guys,
this is NOT what I wrote.
And I never said to "Suck It Up"

Theodore/Simon: Yes you did!

Theodore: "Suck It Up fellas.
Just quit your whining and Suck It up!
That's what you said Dave."

Dave: Can we just stick to the song?

Alvin: We're just trying to express our feelings! And just because we want i-pods and cash and..and you don't understand!!

Dave: Oh, just suck it up Alvin!

Alvin: Ha-ha, gotcha!

Dave: Alvin.

Alvin: You are so busted!

Dave: Alvin..

Alvin: Oh-ho,  just admit that you


Ho, ho, ho and Jingle Jingle
Bells are ringing all around!
Snowflakes fall and lights adorn our
Very Merry Tinsel Town!

Ooh yeeaahhh!!

他們不想按照歌詞唱 , 真的太好笑了

Alvin 太好笑了...小花栗鼠要i-pod和現金 , 好可愛喔! 而且還整Dave

Simon 好像沒講什麼話...

Theodore 說"Suck it up!"好可愛喔~他的聲音真的好可愛...

Dave 我只能說...你也實在太可憐了吧 , 竟然被三隻花栗鼠整

當然 , 最後的 Ooh yeeaahhh!! 很好聽喔~

我本來就超喜歡Theodore , 後來又知道是Jesse McCartney配音的

哇~Jesse McCartney配這麼可愛的角色 , 我完全想不到...

可是兩個我都很喜歡 , 兩個都很可愛

最後一首 那就是鼠來寶2裡的鼠美眉唱的Single Ladies

這是翻唱自 玩美女神碧昂絲Beyoncé的Single Ladies

鼠美眉The Chipettes 唱的好可愛...而且她們也長得好可愛喔

Single Ladies By The Chipettes (按我聽歌)


今天就到這裡為止 , 希望大家還喜歡這次的介紹喔!

我會趕快再更新的 , 大家一定要繼續支持本站...謝謝!


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