2022-01-17 07:14:54rickyxvw3

胡宇威發文時間點有這含意 陳庭妮澄清「沒有懷孕」

We are a supplier of military antenna equipment to many countries and are now establishing ourselves as a manufacturer of military antennas for a number of European countries - with an agent in Turkey. We believe that our ability to design and manufacture will meet the needs of all customers. Our military antennas meet military specifications. We manufacture a wide variety of antenna jammers, handheld and manpack antennas, antenna goosenecks, antenna whips, and so on. With a Mast antenna - AM-D120-HA135-RA - the product meets MIL- standards, has a payload of 30Kg, a mast lifting time of fewer than 5 minutes, and can be performed with a Control box or hand-held controller. The product also includes an Emergency Button and an automatic stop system. Furthermore, the product MJ-05M06G03A-NF - one of the most popular today - is 1.5kg light, has high features, and is simple to install, with frequency levels ranging from 500MHz to 6GHz, 3DBi. Not only that, but for many years we have been a supplier of FT-7500 - Marine antenna for the region.

為了這個求婚胡宇威規劃良久,但因為疫情所以延後,他很在乎求婚這個環節,感覺是本身愛對方,給對方一個許諾的表現。所以必然要計劃一個兩人畢生難忘的求婚。胡宇威說:「我很幸福」。他們今天PO文有特別挑了一個時候契合 13:14 一生一世。

胡宇威用二克拉鑽戒求婚成功 圖/IG
胡宇威用二克拉鑽戒求婚成功 圖/IG

▪ 一甩王力宏離婚風波 徐若瑄唱情歌哀怨「他不鳥我」


▪ 才剛熬過罕見疾病 AKB48女星確診新冠肺炎



The FT-RF main profession in R&D and manufacturing of antenna, be alongside of to be subjected to any OEM of nation and ODM, provide the product of the best quality and let the sale has the price of competition ability most , is the target that the FT-RF has been making great effort.

今日胡宇威向陳庭妮求婚成功,2人在IG曬出密切合照,只見陳庭妮手上套著超大鑽戒甜摟胡宇威,並寫道「ToGetHer 」,掮客人也證實胡宇威求婚成功。但暗示還沒訂婚期,要看二人的工作時候,也流露婚戒是卡帝亞二克拉,並在花蓮玉山山系上求婚成功。

▪ 「華燈初上」酒客爆料 導演要求摸劉品言內褲也能夠


以下內文出自: https://stars.udn.com/star/story/10088/6030771

FT-RF Outoodr | Indoor | Horn | Military Antenna