2016-07-26 22:28:20richarakxv16

商用英文檢定 一對一線上英語 maintenance drill中文意思是什麼

    初級 英語 兒童美語 美語會話誌免費英文學習網 免費英語學習軟件線上免費課程 旅遊英文教學 每日學英文學習音樂 輕鬆學英語gept全民英檢 一對一補習班 千萬別學英文聽 學英文 線上英文教學 hess美語學習網外籍家教 英文自學中心商用英文檢定 一對一線上英語



maintenance drill中文意思是什麼

maintenance drill解釋

免費學習網站 英文家教行情 技術維修訓練

  • maintenance: n. 1. 保持,維持,保養;保管,保存,維護,維修;繼續;支持的手段。2. 堅持;主張;擁護,支持。3. 扶養,供給;生活,生計。4. 【法律】對訴訟一方的非法援助;依法應負的對他人的贍養義務。
  • drill: n 1 【軍事】操練,演習;(嚴格而有系統的)盤練,訓練;〈英口〉教官。2 【機械工程】鋼鉆,鉆頭;鉆...

  • The study includes the hole color tv imagery system for drill hole, even - pole bore - hole acoustic system and acoustic meter, bore - hole multi - point consolidation apparatus, the quick camera computer - aid image for high rocky slope, image technology for layer analysis, safety monitoring technology for the section close to the dam, software for processing and forecasting the slope monitoring data, high precision geodesy monitoring automation system, etc. all the study results are new, advanced and practical, which has applied in the project and gained the obvious benefits

  • Aerospace ; maintenance and repairing of aircraft glazings of acrylic plastics ; general directions

  • The office is also responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the geodetic network, provision of aerial survey and photogrammetric services, and the provision of an up - to - date map at various scales

  • Based on the above - mentioned analysis and research work, and according to design the antetype function, and put testing on the testing environment thus to build the user model for the whole equipment maintenance system and effectively get conclusion on the task purpose of user in respective classic working scene

    2 、在上述分析和調研工作的基礎上,通過設計原型功能,在自有的實驗環境中進行實用實驗,從而建立整個設備維護輔助系統相應的用戶模型,能有效的歸納出用戶在各種典型作業場景下的任務意圖。
  • Judging from the perspective of contemporary ecologism, this concept is non - anthropocentric, which has great significance to the maintenance of the global ecological balance and the development of china science as well as the realization of the national strategic development

    從當代生態主義的視角考察,佤族傳統生態觀具有非人類中心主義之向度,從而對于英語教學中心 美語教學網當代全球的生態平衡,對于中國科學、協調發展國家戰略的實施,具有重要的借鑒意義。

    maintenance down time, maintenance downtime, maintenance dredging, maintenance drug therapy, maintenance echelon line of, maintenance efforts

    maintenance drill中文意思是什麼
      免費英文單字 台北英語補習班youtube輕鬆學英文 全民英文檢定初級 英語 兒童美語 美語會話誌免費英文學習網 免費英語學習軟件線上免費課程 旅遊英文教學 每日學英文英語認證 學英文的方法 英文補習班推薦學習音樂 輕鬆學英語聽 學英文 線上英文教學 hess美語學習網找英文家教老師 英語從頭學商用英文檢定 一對一線上英語
