2009-08-02 13:37:12Resplendir



《茉莉人生》改編自瑪贊(Marjane Satrapi)的圖畫小說。作者馬贊透過她自己的故事,引發人們關注一些嚴肅議題,而她的成長故事既感人又奇特。電影版的《茉莉人生》有別於傳統的表現形式,讓它看起來又更為真實。


Persepolis is based on the original graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi. Marjane talks about serious issues through her true stories, and her accout of her youth is quite moving and marvelous. The movie version isn’t cast or acted conventionally, so it looks more real.




Marjane was born in Iran. In the beginning of the movie, Marjane stays at the airport where she remembers what happened in the past. In 1979, she is ten. Her parents are left-wing intellects, who suffer under the Shah’s dictatorship and then suffer the rule of mullahs. This political history includes war, torture, and execution, in which Marjane’s uncle dies for freedom, but Marjane conveys this in a less bloody and more humorous way.




Marjane loves western culture. She’s also mad about Bruce Lee. Marjane always speaks bluntly. One day, she refutes what the teacher says in class, then her parents worry that Marjane’s personality would destroy her, especially in time of war and repression. Finally, they decide to send her to Austria.




She spends a period of time on adapting to the new life, and she feels that everything in Austria is new and interesting. She makes some friends who have got punk haircut, takes off the scarf as she wants, and goes shopping in the supermarket where she can buy the goods which arn’t available in Iran. However, such happy time doesn’t last for a long time.




As Christmax approaches, all her friends return home and it’s her first time to feel lonely in Austria. One day, one of her friends says:”……life is meaningless……”, then she shouted immediately: ”Do you know how many people sacrifice for freedom, like my uncle? Do you think they sacrifice for fun”? She experiences the alienation, and worries about her family in Tehran. A dillema becomes clear—leave her lovely family to gain freedom, or return home at cost of freedom. Apparantly, she chooses the former and feels guilty.




As she grows up, she discovers that to live in Austria as an Iranian isn’t easy. One day, she meets a guy in a bar. He asks her where she comes from, and she replies: “I am a Franch”. On the way home, she recalls what her grandma said: ”The outside and inside should be identical”. Obviously, she loses herself.




Her love story isn’t smooth as well. Her first boyfriend discovers that he loves men rather than women eventually. The next boyfriend betrayed her. She is bitterly disappointed, sleeps in the streets everyday and gets sick. As she says, “I survive from terrible war, but I’am almost dead of love”.




She tells her father she wants to return home, but she hopes they don’t ask her why. She stays in Austria for many years, and receives western education. She can’t tolerate the atmosphere of Iran anymore, and slips into depression again. Then she meets a guy and gets married, but the marriage ends up with divorce.



    Even in her homeland, she still feels like a foreigner. Besides, divorces women would be harassed by all men in Iran. For these reasons, she decides to leave Iran and her family again, but she won’t forget she comes from Iran this time.




This movie concentrates on the feeling of a girl instead of slogans, and decribes the uncertainty of adolescence and the dillema. Moreover, as Marjane said: “The movie version is differenet from the traditional one acted by people. I’m glad about that. This will prevent audience considering it as a story of the Third World, the remote countries”. Indeed, it’s easier for us to understand resonate with the director and start to consider the serious issues behind the story.




This movie also gives us a totally different view of Iranian. Marjane’s parents always let her do everthing she wants, and don’t blame her when she does something “wrong”. A lot of advice and moral guidance come from her grandma, who comforts Marjane when she’s depressed, crititizes her when she behaves badly, and the most important is that grandma never teaches Marjane what women should do. Marjane seems to be more fortunate than other girls in Iran. There are few families like hers in Iran. Thus, this movie only describes the life of more fortunate people in Iran. However, compared with other mainstream films about Muslim states, this movie not only lets us be aware of the difference of Iranians with us, but also make us realize that Iranians are human like us and care about what they suffer.