2008-11-12 01:25:15





1.去Starbucks玩書包裡的書:Nathaniel Coleman的Utopias and Architecture, Manfredo Tafuri的Architecture and Utopia Design and Capitalist Development, Bernard Tschumi的Manhattan Transcripts, Architecture and Disjunction, Michel de Certeau的The Practice of Everyday Life, Reiser+Umemoto的Atlas of Novel Tectonics, 三本筆記本以及整盒筆。

2.去新開的Shake Shoke吃漢堡,然後在排隊的時間裡填補計畫饑餓的腦帶。


4.去urban Center Books,反正就看書。

然後關於Marshall Mcluhan, Alain Badiou, Merleau-Ponty的皺摺才剛開始。







T 2008-11-15 00:54:46

and get something from the shake shoke

ny 2008-11-12 09:50:47

5. do the dishes, keep asking the unanswered questions while the water is running through the fingurs, down to the drain, and then go to school.