2005-03-13 14:27:06reflect

A Pure (beautiful) Mind

Wonder what it takes to get back to a child's state of mind. simple and happy.
I read E.B.White's children novel and find out the adult's world in his novel is not like the real one. In his novel, adult don't hurt others, and the world is not full of danger. It is just like how a child would perceive it. I know it is not true as the author himself perceives it. The adult world is full of danger and many people hold back from trusting another person.
Now as an adult, we never enjoy anything that is "silly". We never want to do silly things either. Why do silly thing? what is the use of it? We often stay away from things that doesn't benefit us or make us look silly. But deep down inside, each of us want to be a child, a child in E.B.White's novel, a child we know, or a child that we used to know. And yet, how silly is us, who keep ourselves from trusting someone, depending on someone,... like a child would to another person? I am not saying we should be silly and do something without thinking. It is about how we see this world, not how this world or other people see us. Just look at the world with child's eyes: it is a simple and fun place. AND IT WILL BE A SIMPLE AND FUN PLACE. Time pass so fast and we never enjoy the fun of life anymore. We need to learn how to go back to that child's state of mind. Think that we know nothing and are so much willing to learn from other people. Treat others without wanting to gain anything from them. Go for what we really want without second thought. If your friend is happy, share his/her joy. If your friend is sad, cry with him/her. Bottom line is, if I do something to enjoy my life on earth, other people will benefit too, and it is like I don't wait for my environment to change, I change it. All children have this effect on other people. Remember how their smiles, how they are always happy, make you happy. That is what I am talking about.