2011-09-15 00:16:37we





Mild reactions to DTaP are fairly common and include:
Slight fever (occurs in about 1 in 4 people) 輕微發燒
Redness or swelling at the injection site (about 1 in 4) 注射處紅腫
Soreness or tenderness where the shot was given (about 1 in 4) 肌肉痠痛
Fussiness (up to 1 in 3) 愛挑剔
Tiredness or poor appetite (up to 1 in 10) 倦怠以及胃口不好
Swelling of the entire arm or leg where the shot was given for 1-7 days (about 1 in 30)
Vomiting (around 1 in 50) 嘔吐
