2019-06-16 17:34:13rbtbjhn9brnv

【省錢方法】Hartan Pram Vip GTS 省錢大作戰



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Hartan Pram Vip GTS 設計式樣: 617 · 2019

The perfect city companion - absolutely comfortable and super convenient at the same time.

Its light weight and easy storage ease your everyday life with a child considerably. Due to its innovative fold mechanism you can fold the Hartan VIP GTS easily and in no time at all.

Detachable, air chamber wheels with ball bearing guarantee a smooth run and the highest driving quality. The fancy rims in a trendy aluminium look are a real eye-catcher. The lockable single swivel wheels contribute to the pram's easy manoeuvrability and master even narrow corners and curves easily. Furthermore, the VIP GTS comes with an easy-to-use "Wippmatic" parking brake.

The telescopic push bar with perfect round Solight Ecco handle has been improved compared to its preceding model and now comes with an additional lock-in position - being equipped with an even bigger adjusting area of the push bar, the VIP GTS supplies all parents with optimum driving quality no matter their height.

When combined with Hartan's soft carrycot, multi-functional carrycot or fold carrycot (not included in delivery) you can use this trendy companion right from birth. Attaching an infant car seat is possible with the matching adaptors which are sold separately.

The optimised seat unit supplies your child with a heightened sitting position and a better view. Furthermore, the reversible seat unit that features a safety click system ensures a quick change of direction - this way, your child either faces mom and dad or else explores the world around. The adjustable backrest as well as the height-adjustable footrest supply your child with the best sitting and lying position.

The height-adjustable five-point harness of the VIP GTS protects your child from dropping out. The safety bar can be fully removed or else opened to the side.

A large, easy-to-reach mesh basket as well as a transparent rain cover are included in delivery.


  • Heightened sitting position

  • Small folded size, light in weight

  • Optimum manoeuvrability due to lockable single swivel wheels

  • Height-adjustable telescopic push bar

  • Perfect, round Solight Ecco handle

  • Parking brake "Wippmatic"

  • Five-point harness

  • Large canopy, soundlessly adjustable

  • Footrest that grows with your child

  • Backrest can be adjusted to full recline position

  • Including transparent rain cover and mesh basket

  • Size folded: L 85 x W 61 x H 55 cm

  • Size unfolded: L 88 x W 61 x H 113 cm

  • Weight when used as pram: 13,9 kg

  • Weight when used as pushchair: 14,6 kg

  • Made in Germany




Hartan Pram Vip GTS






【羅開新聞中心Minsey Weng綜合報導】緊接在ISPS Handa Vic Open(維多利亞公開賽)的隔週,LPGA轉戰南澳首府阿得雷德近郊的Grange Golf Club(葛蘭許高爾夫俱樂部),本週將進行澳洲二部曲的ISPS Handa Women’s Australian Open(澳洲女子公開賽),前世界球后高寶璟(Lydia Ko)試圖在此挑戰更上層樓。

現年二十一歲的高寶璟,2015年稱霸Royal Melbourne Golf Club(皇家墨爾本高爾夫俱樂部)的戰局,隔年又在葛蘭許的West Course(西球場)製造了衛冕機會,不過決賽日的六十七桿遇上日本選手野村敏京(Haru Nomura)的六十五桿,最後以三桿之差屈居第二。


韓國首爾出生,後來移民至紐西蘭的高寶璟,早在十七歲就登上世界第一,二十歲前累積十四座LPGA冠軍,包括兩座大賽,不過接下來陷入平淡,2017年甚至空手而歸,直到去年才在LPGA Mediheal Championship(美迪惠爾錦標賽)終結將近兩年的冠軍荒,世界排名暫居十四。

高寶璟上個月有機會在Diamond Resorts Tournament of Champions presented by IOA(LPGA冠軍賽)搶得頭彩,可惜並列領先進決賽沒打好,落居第八名,不過樂觀看待新球季,主要原因是在去年開始接觸瑜珈,也讓她能夠平靜下來和自己進行內心對話。


這場總獎金一百三十萬美元的賽事,集結了四位世界排名前十的頂尖高手,包括暫居球后寶座的泰國女將Ariya Jutanugarn(艾莉雅?茱塔努岡),以及分居七、八和十名的地主選手李旻智(Minjee Lee)、英格蘭Georgia Hall(喬吉雅?霍兒)和去年在Kooyonga Golf Club(庫揚加高爾夫俱樂部)封后韓國高真榮(Jin Young Ko)。



降溫 以色列哈瑪斯同意加薩停火


哈瑪斯發言人巴荷姆(Fawzi Barhoum)發表聲明指出:「在埃及以及聯合國的努力下,我們達成協議,以色列和巴勒斯坦派系回到之前的平靜狀態。」




Hartan Pram Vip GTS

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