2021-07-16 15:07:45ravitejafe

RPA frees up CSP staff for higher value-add work

According to a survey by Deloitte, 40% of Telecom, Media and Tech executives say they have garnered “substantial” benefits from cognitive technologies, with 25% having invested $10 million or more. More than three-quarters expect cognitive computing to “substantially transform” their companies within the next three years.

Be proactive with software adoption best practices

Consider employee adoption before the Visual Assistance solution is even selected. Recognize that a new app’s benefits may not be clear to the employees, who may view new systems and processes as time wasting or even disruptive. Take the time to ask employees about any user difficulties or pain points, and which improvements they would appreciate.  Research best practice methodologies for introducing new software in the workplace, and particularly for deploying the new Visual Assistance solution, including best ways to implement and utilize the new system so maximum value is created.

In addition, gather relevant success stories and share these experiences with your staff. Customer success stories provide new users with examples of how other companies effectively used Visual Assistance. This knowledge helps new users feel more confident and comfortable with adopting the new technology.

Of course, the selected vendor or third party should have the best practices, know-how and the track record in their Visual Assistance implementation processes.

The contact center agent or remote expert can see what the customer is seeing in order to provide live assistance and guidance. Think of this stage as remote “eyes” into the situation. For example, an agent can ask to see the customer’s router and explain that a cable is plugged into the wrong port, or see that a refrigerator is not functioning properly because the air flow vent is blocked, or see physical damage on an insured object to support a claim.

More info: technical support engineer