2016-07-03 17:05:07randaln3tho5u

德文老師 英聽教材 學美語 inc medical laboratory automation中文意思是什麼

    家教社 外籍老師數學家教 會話英語 托福英文師資培訓 線上英語學習 補習課程英文會話課程 學英語給你好方法英語日常會話 線上英文補習線上教學網 英文補習班中壢人際關係 線上學習網站 線上教學 英文情境對話 英文 學英語給你好方法 有效學習英文



inc medical laboratory au如何學外語 英文影片tomation中文意思是什麼

全名英檢網路報名 台北英文家教inc medical laboratory automation解釋


  • inc: 包括在內的
  • medical: adj. 1. 醫學的,醫術的;醫療的;醫師的。2. 醫藥的。3. 內科的(opp. surgical)。n. 〈口語〉醫科學生;醫生;體格檢查。adv. -ly 醫學上;用醫藥[醫術、醫學]。
  • laboratory: n. 1. 實驗室,化驗室,研究室。2. 爐房。3. 化學工廠;藥廠。4. 實驗課。
  • automation: n. 自動化,自動操作。

  • The laboratory automation techniques have their greatest use in the clinical laboratory.

  • There are 7 full - time physicians, 5 dental surgeons and 2 dental hygienists. the health clinic is equipped with a minor operating theatre, dispensary, medical laboratory and physiotherapy unit, to provide primary medical and dental care services

  • It is housed in a self - contained clinic with 7 full time physicians, 5 dental surgeons, 2 dental hygienists, minor operation theatre, dispensary, medical laboratory and physiotherapy unit. the basic responsibility is to offer a range of primary medical and dental care services. for more serious medical conditions, referrals for specialist care can be arranged

  • Design of computer diagnosis expert system on medical laboratory

  • Founded nearly 160 years ago, the company is a leader in the areas of medical, power, automation and control, transportation, information and communications, lighting, building technologies, water technologies and services and home appliances


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    inc medical laboratory automation中文意思是什麼
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