2006-01-11 01:18:52rain

Big brother

I need a brother, big brother 我需要一個哥哥,大哥哥

to teach me how to live 教我怎樣做人

how to smile to the fate 怎樣微笑面對命運

lead me go forward 帶領我向前


everything 面對一切

But 只是

someday 終有一天

he has to have his girlfriend/boyfriend 他也會有他的女朋友/男朋友

his own family 有他自己的家庭

his own life 他自己的生活

It is impossible he takes my hand in my whole life. 他不可能一輩子拉著我走

I wish I had a mature big brother, 總希望有個成數穩重的哥哥

though that’s not realistic. 雖然只是空想.

No matter I have or not 不管怎樣

I must face to everything alone 人生是獨行的路,

because that is my own life. 總要自己面對所有

I am still waiting 可我仍在等待

for my big brother. 希望有天會有我的哥

Perhaps, 說不准

someday, 就在哪天

he comes 有人對我說

and says:

Please let me hold you hand in your rest of life. 能讓我牽你的手一起到老嗎?