2011-11-05 09:25:44歌詠上帝的恩惠





I think cathedrals symbolize the good life (a good life) that is composed of self-actualization and good relationships (Note: Good point.). First, it is the realization of one’s life purpose. When people build cathedrals, they want to be close to God, an important or even center of their lives (an important center of their lives). For any one of them (every one of them), religious (religion) is his value (Note: Do you mean values 價值觀?), ambition, law—his everything. As a result, by perceiving himself in a religious way, cathedrals may be the best way of self-actualization. Moreover, since the value is shared among the community, the cathedrals may also symbolize the unity, sense of togetherness, and friendly atmosphere among the community (Note: Good point.). In other word, I regard “cathedral” as a symbol of the combination of the actualization of one’s ambition and good relationship with others; thus, a good life.



I think Emily is a symbol of the past, which results in the other two suggestions: an insane spinster and a devoted lover. Being taught to be “nobles obliged,” a burden or (and) virtue for the past, Emily might become unable to express or even just clarify her true feeling (feelings). Her father’s death somehow gives her a new start (Note: Good point.). As a result, she decides to give Homer Barron a chance, which is also a new chance for herself—to living (live) out her life newly, differently, and hoping—happily (and, hopefully, happily). However, she failed (Note: Be consistent with the tense you use to develop your argument.). After waiting and hoping and showing her love in any way (???), she gives up trying at last. She kills him, (Note: Do not use a comma to connect two independent clauses.) at least she want to get something she deserves after all the trying, heart-breaking and suffering (Note: Good point.). This is also the last thing reserved for her. After poisoning Homer (Note: This is a dangling modifier.), it is more impossible for her to contact for people, which furthermore strengthening the beliefs of her being an insane spinster or a devoted lover in the townspeople’s eyes (Note: This may cause confusion. The townspeople learn about the secret of the locked upstairs room after Emily’s death. Why would they view her as a devoted lover?). However, in my point of view (in my view), Emily is just a hopeless victim of the past (Note: Good point.).

Comments: Good elaboration.

已經不是第一次有人說最近常想到我  (雖然我頗好奇她夢到我在做什麼...)
但是...  我之前在看和田勾的DISC  一直OS怎麼可能是容易瞭解的人(我才是吧)
我一直覺得自己還蠻敞開的  蠻理性了解自己的  哈哈  恰恰相反
還以為自己想通了  但是其實  只是更加混亂而已
對於愛  對於夢想  對於責任  對於對錯  對於自己
因為就連自己在想什麼都不懂  跟別人又有什麼好說的.............
關心我都收到了  謝謝  我會永遠記得  但就請  先為我禱告吧
也別擔心我  就像每個過去一樣  我還是會回來的不是嗎? (smile)